Thursday, May 21, 2009

Those Pesky Hiccups

I'm sure most of us at some point in our lives have had the displeasure of being bombarded by those pesky hiccups... They have the 'nack' for showing up at the most inopportune moments... When we're laughing at a joke... When we're eating at our favorite restaurant... When we're on a first date and we're trying not to embarass ourselves... You can pretty much bet on it that if you don't want them to show up - They're coming to the party!!!

To tell the truth - I'm not exactly sure where they come from... They just kind 'pop in' and start disrupting what you're doing... Whether it be from a disruptive air flow, a change of breathing pattern, or even a physical condition - they are no fun - no fun at all...

Do things ever 'pop up' in your life..? Do things ever come up during your day that 'jack up' your flow..? You go about your day feeling like, "everything is hunky dorey" and then all of a sudden - WHAMMO!!! You get a 'hiccup'!!! That came out of nowhere... And you know what..? It doesn't go away very fast... You try to hold your breath... You drink the glass of water 85 different ways... You might even do what I do - and pinch your left shoulder (don't ask - it just works...) We all have our solutions to get rid of these 'hiccups' - but they don't always work... Sometimes they just stay for a while... You stay sick - The doctor report isn't good - you have a akward relationship at work that's hard to deal with - you find out that you are spending more than your bringing in and THERE'S A BABY ON THE WAY!!!

As a Christian - shouldn't we be protected from the 'hiccups' of this world..? After all - we're believe in Jesus and we're following the One True God, right..? Where's the special treatment..? Well - that's not what Jesus said it would be like, unfortunately... Actually - He said it would be the exact opposite...

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

At times hiccups just come... Other times - we bring them on ourselves... But the next time those little 'buggers' sneak up on you - Thank God that these are just 'bumps in the road' and that nothing can stand in the way of your God...

"because He himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. (Acts 17:25)

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