Friday, May 22, 2009

Eat It Up

My wife and I have several things that we both truly enjoy doing together... One of which is eating dinner and spending time with our friends... There's something special - dare I say, "spiritual" about sharing a meal with those you greatly care about... I grew up in a family where meals (and lying - different story/different time) were very important to us - so it makes sense that the same feeling would carry over into adulthood...

Tonight we feasted on a nice meal full of delicious Tex-Mex cuisine that included tantilizing tacos, gnarly nachos, and superb soppipillas (I DID NOT spell that right...) YUMMO!!! We then followed that up with a fine film... What a night!!!

Why are nights like this so enjoyable..? I think God has formed us to need special relationships where you 'break bread' together... After all - it was one of the earliest aspects of the church...

"Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people." (Acts 2:46-47)

I must admit that there are some aspects to following Jesus Christ that are difficult and you think, "only by the grace of God can I make it through..." This one, though - is one I can totally sink my teeth into...

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