Monday, May 11, 2009

"Just Another Manic Monday"

Ahh - another Monday almost down... It's pretty amazing - I spent my entire 'educational life' disliking Monday's... From Kindgergarten through 5 years of teaching High School - There was not a worse feeling than late Sunday night... The very thought of that alarm, or your mother turning the lights on - throwing the blankets off your feet - and singing, "Good morning, good morning, good morning - It's time to rise n' shine"... Wait a minute - I see some confused expressions... Did that not happen to anyone else..? Well - it happened to me!!!

You get through some type of soggy cereal, or breakfasty/plywood-ish bar and head out to school, or work... Every week was the same, it seemed like...

However - Life is different now... PRAISE GOD!!! Now that I work in ministry - I have Monday's off... It's AMAZING!!! There's no dread Sunday night... No alarm at 6:45 am waking me up (Well - my wife's alarm still goes off and wakes me up - And she manages to sleep right through it - Strange I know...) By having Monday off now I get to relax, do yard work, play golf, read my Bible, or anything else I want to... It's a day that I have come to look forward to every week... Now granted - I work on Sunday's now - But it's totally worth it...

So I know not everybody gets to have "Monday's" off - But I do wish everyone could take time regularly to refresh, catch up, or even breathe each week... You won't regret it...

Psalm 62:5 - "Find rest my soul, in God alone"


  1. I will be enjoying my Mondays a whole lot more in 2 weeks! And yes, I too had the good morning serenade with the removal of the sheets from my feet... oh wait, we have the same mom! :-)

  2. Just wait you will be singing the "Good Morning" song to Bam Bam!
