Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Time After Time

Ah - another Wednesday down... Wednesday's are always long due to my current occupation - Youth Pastor... Wednesdays and Sundays wear me out most times... They are still great days, but tiring none the less... My Wednesdays normally start out at around 9 am and end around 10 pm... And in case you were counting - that's a 13 hour day!!! I know - some of you work even harder... But I'm not complaing!!! I am so blessed to have my job... It's the coolest!!!

Today was especially exciting for me because I got to develop a "quote"... You know - one of those things where people will 'google' "famous quotes by unfamous people" and it pops up... I was working on a set for a service for this weekend with my buddy and he was, ever so slightly, edging his way to the edge of the platform we were standing on... The only problem was that he was moving backwards and couldn't see it... Knownst to me but unbeknownst to him - he was slowly moving towards disaster and unimaginable pain... So I lunged out - snared him by his shirt - and rescued him from the cavernous 2 foot fall that was lurking below... (I know - I had to make it sound cool, though...)

Of course, he began to thank me uncontrolably... Actually - it was more like groveling... But I want to remain humble so I'll 'hold back' a little on the details... As I was saying, he thanked me for saving his life and I said my profound quote - I said, "My job is not to catch you when you fall, but to catch you BEFORE you fall..." I KNOW - I was impressed, too!!! Where does that wisdom come from..? "But where can wisdom be found? Where does understanding dwell?" (Job 28:12), "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise." (Psalm 111:1o)

However - as I was bragging to him about what a great friend I was to him - I ended up letting him fall off the platform, anways... I stopped focusing on him and found myself thinking of how great I was... I ended up failing at the very thing I was commending myself for... Isn't that just like God.?! "You rescue the humble, but you humiliate the proud." (Psalm 18:27)

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