Saturday, May 16, 2009

Party On, Dude!

My wife and I went over to Olney today for the celebration of our nephew turning 3 years old... Goodbye 'Terrible Two's" - Hello "Easy, amazing, agreeable Three's"... One can hope, right..? It was a fun time... My brother and sisters were there... My sister-in-law's fam was there, as well... The weather was beautiful... The food was delicious (Great job, bro!)... The company was superb... All the way around it was a fantastic day of celebration!!! Which is important for Christians to do... God is really big into celebrating...

In the book of Esther we read about a plot to wipe out the Jews by a man named Haman... God used Esther to change their doom for their good fortune... When God had delivered His people (yet, again...) He told them (through His servant, Mordecai) to celebrate with what came to be called "Purim"...

"when their sorrow was turned into joy and their mourning into a day of celebration..." (Esther 9:22)

So the next time you have the chance to celebrate - Thank God for His blessings and PARTY DOWN, DUDE!!!

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