Thursday, May 7, 2009

Initial 'blog'

Well - I figured it was time that I start 'bloggin'. After all - I'm a 'hip' guy. I'm down with the current culture! What? The TRUTH?! You want the TRUTH?! "YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!" Okay - Jack Nicholson movie quotes aside - let's be honest. My 65 (or is she 64) year old mother now 'blogs'... She's a grandmother for crying out loud! Ooops - excuse me - "Grandmother, Dear" (as she likes to be referred to)... I mean - I'm a 29 year old youth pastor - I should have it together more than my mom, right..?

Anyways - I 'shant' bore you anymore today, but everyone pray that I can at least be semi-consistent with my daily blog... And you never know - maybe some day someone WILL ACTUALLY read it...

"For I know the plans I have for you, " declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..." (Jeremiah 29:11)


  1. Oh for goodness sake, what took you long?

  2. I've only been blogging for about 5 months now...and have yet to post anything this month. Welcome to the world of blogging!

  3. Hi Jeremy - Welcome to the blogging world! Yes, I did actually read your post! LOL
    I hope you enjoy this newly addictive habit as much as I do!

  4. I felt the same way Jerm! As much as I try, I still can't get a daily post up. Good Luck bro and feel free to throw the movie quotes in... reminds me of NCIS!
