Friday, May 8, 2009

Crack the Yearbook

It's always amazing to me the capability of the human mind... The mass quanitity of information an memories always astounds me... How, at times, your memory cache can take you on a journey like Marty McFly "Back To The Future"...

I was at an FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) meeting today where I saw several of my students - but one stuck out at me, especially... He was a senior this year - and informed me that he had 3.5 days of school left... 3 DAYS - WOW!!! 13 years he has been in the public school setting - and if you take an 18 year old High School Senior and divide that into 13 years - They have spent 73% of their life in school... Now - some of you "math" people are scratching your heads right now thinking, "You MORON! You figured that out all wrong!" - But you get the point, though... Even if 73% is not the correct number - It's still the vast majority of their life they've spent in school... CRAZY!!!

The student has always said how excited and 'ready' he is to get out of school... When I hear those words - "I go back..." (Thanks, Kenny Chesney) I revisited my old days at East Richland High School and remember what I thought in 1997 (Wowzer - that's a while ago!) I went back to a day with shorter hair, a better jumpshot and a stronger throwing arm, my white Dodge Dakota 4X4 with the chrome roll bars and hallogen lights! (Don't even pretend to not be jealous!) I remember how I couldn't wait to 'move on' - Thinking about how, "When I get older ____..."

And you know what - I did get older... And life's been good. Much better than I deserve, that's for sure. It's amazing how God still loves us so much that He still meets our needs when we don't deserve it (Romans 5:8 - "Why we were still sinners Christ died for us.") I've got an amazing wife (and soon to be son), a loving family, a great job/ministry, fun students, the best friends on the planet... LIFE IS GOOD!

But as I got thinking - I wish I would have realized something 12 years ago... I wish I would have taken the opportunity (did I spell that right?) to just enjoy being a kid a little more... Unfortunately - I was that kid that wanted to grow up pretty fast - at least in my mind that's what I wanted... My parents would probably deem otherwise... I wanted to grow a beard (Why on earth would anyone want to shave!), I wanted to drive (Can you imagine the money you would have if you weren't filling up that tank?), I couldn't wait to get out of high school (What? Do you know what comes after high school? Either HARDER classes or WORK! Do either of those things sound more fun than playing ball, going on band trips, hanging out with friends?)

Anyways - I guess that's why we learn lessons, huh? To pass it on to others... The only question is - Will they listen?

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