Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Meaning of Christmas

I know it's been a while since my last blog post, but I felt compelled to post today while I had a few minutes. As it is Christmas Eve and I am the parent of a 5 and almost 3 year old and their insatiable hunger for destroying wrapping paper and discovering its contents- I have found myself constantly asking my kids, "Why do we celebrate Christmas?" Now granted they are the children of a pastor and probably feel obligated to give this answer, but I am happy to report their answer is almost always, "Jesus' birth." Even though the presents and the excitement they bring gets a lot of attention, it's still important to get back to the core of what we are to be focused on.

Last night we had an amazing worship experience at our church. Our creative department did an AMAZING job of programming a night that would be memorable and enjoyable for the whole family! Almost 3,000 people filled the seats in three different services and we had TONS of volunteers giving of their time and energy to make it all happen. Our people serve God with excellence in everything they do and our Christmas Eve Eve is one of the reasons that I love Christmas and why I love my church.

But there's another reason I love my church even more. Now please do not give me any credit for this or think I am bragging - I just want to share something at the heart of these people I call my church family. Several times this season I was approached by individuals, families, and small groups that wanted to buy presents for families in need and help make their Christmas a little brighter. Some purchased and wrapped gifts, while others gave generous amounts of money to purchase the gifts as needed. Very sweet, right?! But you know what's really interesting about all that? They all wanted to be anonymous. None of them wanted it to be known who bought them, or who wrapped them. They just wanted to love God by loving other people. Because of that humility and selflessness, I had the privilege of delivering those presents to several families. These givers - these generous folks didn't get to see the eyes of mothers well up in tears because their kids were going to have a nice Christmas this year. They didn't get to hear the joyful sounds of children giggling and laughing at the idea that presents were going to be under their tree this Christmas.

I didn't deserve the opportunity to do that. It shouldn't have been me delivering those gifts. I didn't buy them. I only even wrapped a few. It cost me nothing but I still got the blessing. But isn't that what Christmas is truly about? Jesus Christ stepped down from His royal throne to go through the 9 month birthing process to be born in a barn of some kind. He lived a difficult life so that He could sympathize and empathize with every hurt and need we could have. He died a criminals death, even though He was sinless, so that I may have life. I get the credit for His labor. I benefit from His actions.

So I will always enjoy and be encouraged by the 'big experiences' when thousands get together to exalt the King of Kings, but I will always be moved by the day to day sacrifices of a few that show me Christ's love in how they live their lives. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Memories Are Just That

I think every '9/11' will always make us all dip back into our memory banks. People will often say, "where were you when 9/11 took place?" I was outside of Altgeld Hall on a concrete bench with tons of music students watching the news on a small black and white TV with bunny ears. Even though I was almost a thousand miles away - I remember it felt so surreal. To think that people in a city I had visited but a few years before were dying a terrifying death was a lot to soak in for a 21 year old. That day in 2001 has impacted how I view our country, our safety, and how much I respect those who's profession it is to run towards danger when the rest of us are running away from it. Memories have the power to impact our outlook.

All of us have memories that 'stay with us.' Some may be good and some may be not-so-good. You might remember your first day of school or that fight on the playground. You might remember your  first kiss or that first break up (and if you're like me you wrote first song about it). The home run you hit in the big game or the season you spent more time on the bench than you would've preferred. You might remember your wedding day or the day you heard the words, "I want a divorce." You may remember the day your first child was born or the day you had to bury a parent.

No matter which camp your memories falls in - they are just that... Memories. They are images from your past that God has and is using to mold and form you into the person He's artistically crafting you to be. Think about all the greatest experiences from your past. How have they shaped who you are today? Now think about some of the most difficult seasons in your life and how has your perspective on life been altered because of what you've gone through? Do you appreciate your family more? Can you love deeper? Can you see past any scars that memories have left on your body or heart and see the healing and growth that's come in spite of them?

I can't imagine what those who lost loved ones 13 years ago feel like. Anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, and Tuesdays. I can imagine that every day the memory of that dreadful day in September probably brings up more painful memories than I'm sure they can bear. But if I could offer any encouragement it would be this: When the tears fall at the memories of loved ones lost, think of a memory that reminds you why you are sad in the first place. Something that brought you joy before the hurt. And when that memory comes to mind... Smile through the tears. And always remember - difficult memories often come because they followed a good one. Don't forget all the good ones...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Educated or Learned

This past week I started something that I haven't done in almost 13 years. I started a college class! I have been back and forth on whether or not to go 'back to school' for years now and I figured there's no time like the present. My kids aren't in any activities yet and my job is not super demanding on a regular basis so it seemed like the opportune moment.

Thanks to the wonder of modern technology this particular Master's program is done entirely on-line. That's right! I can go to class in my pajamas or sweat pants and a T-Shirt. Oh wait - that's exactly what college kids go to class in! (except for freshmen girls, but that's a different blog for a different day.) It is a 36 hour program and I should be on track to finish it in 2 years with a Masters in Bible and Theology. My undergrad degree is in music (which I've used well having been a music teacher and a youth pastor) but if I progress in the 'preacher world' - I thought I'd need to educate myself a little more. And I know a 'college degree' is not going to make me an amazing preacher or pastor, but I can't imagine it will hurt, though. All of our experiences, whether in the field or in the classroom, mold us into the person(s) we are and who we are to become.

Jesus' disciples weren't 'educated' men - but they sure were 'learned' men. They didn't go through the rabbi schools of their day like some Jewish men like the apostle Paul (Acts 22:3). But they did get a 3 1/2 year intensive program with Jesus of Nazareth. And that seemed to have made all of the difference. This rag tag bunch of blue collar fellas ended up speaking so confidently and powerfully, that the religious leaders that had just killed Jesus couldn't stand up to their truth. They were scratching their heads at where these simple fishermen came from. They hadn't seen them in any of there classrooms before! But then they made a very astute point. They had been with Jesus.

"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus." Acts 4:13

While I am excited to continue on with my journey in scholastics - I am also aware that the greatest way to prepare to share Jesus Christ with others is to spend time with Jesus Christ. I could easily educate you on stuff I do almost every day! I could teach you how to make pizza dough or pancake batter. I could show you how to play the C scale on the piano or guitar. I could tell you tricks for starting a weed eater or lawn mower. It's not that complicated when you do things on a regular basis.

I can tell you all about Jesus' love,  His mercy, His kindness, His forgiveness if I am learning about it everyday, too. I can share with you how He can pull you through the long nights when you are fearing for your life the next day or for someone that you love. I can tell you how to be faithful even when the checkbook starts leaning to the red. When you walk with Jesus - you learn to live like Jesus.
When you see Jesus' love - you learn to love like Jesus. When you see Jesus give - you learn to give like Jesus. When you witness His sacrifices - you learn to sacrifice like Jesus. You don't need 'school' to teach you that. You just need to be with Jesus.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Getting Away From Me

As Summer has zoomed by (as per usual) I finally noticed that I hadn't sat down and jotted down any thoughts for my daily dose in a while. In fact - the entirety of August, thus far. But let's be honest - sometimes I am super busy time just gets away from me. I don't mean for it to happen. I don't plan for it to happen. I guess I do, however, expect it to happen.

It seems like in our current age that EVERYONE is busy. Nah - let's call it what it truly is. TOO BUSY! Even people that don't do anything 'extra' are still too busy. We don't have kids in school activities and clubs yet. Aside from the life at our church, we aren't involved in civic or school organizations. But sometimes it still feels like we're going a mile a minute. How do we try to combat that? What are we doing to be intentional about 'slowing down'? Well - for starters - we eat together. At a table. As a family. Several times a week. And if we really want to shake things up - we even turn off the TV. I know, right?

We also take family walks and play out in the yard as the sun begins to set and it cools off. Being outside in God's creation with my family is one of my favorite things to do. Plus - we get the chance to visit with our neighbors that are outside doing whatever. It's neat to feel part of a community. You just need to slow down and take time to do it.

This idea of time 'getting away from us' is very prevalent in the church world. It was so encouraging to see our attendance on the rise after Easter and on through Spring. And then... Memorial Day hit. Summer had started and those numbers began to drift back down. People aren't home in the summer. People must vacation more than ever, I guess. Or they're playing baseball, softball, basketball on most Sundays. At our church we even try to accommodate those that either are busy on Sundays or take that as their only day off for the week by offering a Friday night service. It's great! Finish work - go to a high energy worship service - go to Applebee's - and go home! It's perfect! But some folks would rather just not attend a service at all. They're too busy and their free time could be better spent.

Of all the things in this life that we give our time to - how many will take us through the next 5 years? 12 years? Will it pay for college? Will be make it to the pros? Will the choices we make now effect anyone else's lives? Or how about this one... Are our priorities making what's 'eternal' our focus? Are we focused on living for Jesus and sharing Him with the world? Or are we too busy doing other stuff? Is time getting away from us? Let's make time...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Special Summer Treat

One thing that I've always thought was fun about summer is trying to find creative ways to 'beat the heat.' As a boy - a special summer treat for me was hitting Dairy Queen late after playing a baseball game. Blizzards always tasted better in dirty, grass stained pants. Or we might hight Tropical Snow before playing around of miniature golf. Or if someone had access to a pool - that was always an effective cooling agent, as well.

Now that I'm an adult the solutions aren't much different. We still go for 1/2 shakes at Sonic after 8 PM. We may snag the occasional snow cone from the city park. We may take a dip in the pool (okay it's more like cannon balls, but you get the point.) Some days I just praise GOD that we have air conditioning and then I pray that my kids won't ask to go play outside!

But it's always nice to have a special treat to help cool you off during those blistering summer months.

As I thought about that today - I realized that GOD has been giving us several special summer treats this year. I had the chance to play golf with a friend of mine for a couple of hours and it was 78ยบ outside. On Tuesday, July 29th, 2014 in the cusps of Global Warming (hehe) it didn't even get into the 80's. How amazing is that?! It's been so nice out lately that my wife and I have to say, "It's too cold to go to the pool - why don't we go to the park instead…" That doesn't happen often.

God will often give you and I relief, too. Not only with beautiful weather in peak heat months - but in the moments when the world is getting darker. When our situations are getting tougher. When our marriages are holding on by a thread and animosity fills our hallways and bedrooms. When the relationships with our children seem to be straining to the point of breaking. God is always there to give us rest, to give us comfort - to give us peace. You see - you are His child and He wants to bless His kids. What (good) parent doesn't want to bless their kids? It's instinctive. But with our Heavenly Father He knows exactly what we need (and when we need it) to help cool off the heated situations in our lives. It may be a text or phone call from an encouraging friend. It may be a picture on Facebook that makes you smile. It may be a song that 'takes you back.' The heat of life can, at times, be more than we can bear and you just need a special treat to bring it all back in perspective.

So while I enjoy a good milk shake, snow cone, or dip in the pool - my Heavenly Father knows how to really spoil me. And I'll take this special summer treat anytime!

"They will come home and sing songs of joy on the heights of Jerusalem. They will be radiant because of the LORD's good gifts - the abundant crops of grain, new wine, and olive oil, and the healthy flocks and herds. Their life will be like a watered garden, and all their sorrows will be gone." Jeremiah 31:12 NLT

Monday, July 21, 2014

Misty at the Waterpark

Each year the Redman Family ventures down to Panama City Beach, FL for a week in July. We stay together, play together, eat together, and do all kinds of fun activities. One of our favorites is when we take the kids to a water park. Now - it's a little over-priced and they charged us for our 2 year old (unlike Holiday World who did not!) - but we always look forward to it each summer. It's a 'pirate theme' which means Fender is automatically enamored with it and if he's enamored with it, his little sister is enamored with it.

This  year was different for a couple of reasons. First - it rained on us the first hour and a half we were there. Granted we were already wet at a water park, but it's way more fun when the sun is shining. But the rain definitely added a new dynamic to the day and certainly made it memorable.

And secondly there was a group of 'burn victims' that were enjoying the day as well. I'm not sure about why they were meeting at this water park that day, or who organized the event, but there was enough of them there that everywhere I went there was a different group there. Man, woman, boy, girl, white, or black: all different, but all united by their circumstances. It was so beautiful to see these people unashamed by the scars that life had dealt them. I kept thinking that that's what 'the church' should be like. Real people with real pain and real scars from their pasts gathering together unashamedly to celebrate the life they have in Jesus Christ. The barriers of race and socio-economic separation banished and all united under the banner of forgiveness. Unfortunately - we often don't take down our defenses and truly join each others team. We don't want to accept others with their faults even if our scars are far worse. We often pretend that we have it all together. That our families are perfect, our finances are in good shape, our marriages are solid. We don't wear the scars of disappointment, divorce, abuse on our sleeves for the world to see. We try to appear to be someone we're not. At least I know I often do…

But what I saw later was almost more than I could take without getting 'misty eyed'. As Lucy and Journey and I were headed toward one of the big family rides that you walked up several stories via a ramp or stairs to get to the top I saw 4 from this group. One was a teenage girl, one was a white guy probably in his mid 30's, one was a well-built black fellow in his mid 20's, and the last was a teenager that was in a wheelchair. He had lost one of his feet and had severe burn scars on the other. I saw them at the bottom of this ride and thought to myself, "How sad that boy has to sit here while his group goes up to the top ride this ride." But that's not what happened! The well built black man picked him up out of the wheel chair and put him on his back. (some of you reading are already getting misty aren't you?) We followed the group all the way up. The line wasn't moving too fast, either. We all had to wait several minutes in line. But he never complained. He never rested. And he never asked anyone else to do only what he could do. They were all part of the group and they were in this together. No one was going to be left behind!

I think what got me the most is quickly we often write off those people that are damaged goods. We may feel sorry for them at first and may even make a little effort to encourage them - but we don't stick with it. We aren't willing to bear the weight that they bring to the table. Jesus called His disciples to love each other and the world would know by that love that they were His disciples. The same is asked of us. We are to go through life together - helping each other up the hills and steps of life - even when our feet have been knocked out from under us. We all have scars, we all have hurts, and we all need each other.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Float Like a Butterfly... Sting Like a Bee

Probably like most of you I am not a fan of pain. I don't like stubbing my toe. I don't like getting a paper cut. I don't like getting shots at the doctors office. I don't like getting hit by a baseball traveling at high speeds. I do not like it here. I do not like it there. I do not like pain anywhere.

Today I had a surprising bout with pain. As I was mowing the front yard this afternoon I felt this sharp, searing pain in right above my left heel. Naturally, I swatted back immediately - as my normal response to something attacking me is to attack back. I couldn't see if it was a bee or a wasp, but I could see where it stung me immediately. It started to swell and get red pretty fast. At first I thought I would just immediately start back to mowing and then each step really got tough! I had to bend over and give myself a moment. It really hurt!

As I was kneeling down in my front yard feeling sorry for myself and totally hating whatever stung me - I couldn't help but think about what I've been studying these past few weeks. You see - I'm preaching on Jesus' trial and crucifixion in a couple of weeks at our church and I really examined the medical studies on Jesus' suffering. The pain and affliction He endured during those short hours is (literally) unimaginable. The Romans were such a cruel society and they had perfected the art of torture. And Jesus had to feel so much pain at the hands of Romans soldiers and religious leaders. And He didn't try to respond to them. He didn't try to swat them like the bugs they were to Him. He was silent! And He took that on for me. And for you, too!

After that realization my little bug sting didn't seem so bad. Now granted - it still hurt at the time and it still hurts now. But the way we view a situation effects how we respond. If we always think about our feelings and how things hurt or benefit us - we'll often be disappointed or upset. If we keep our 'attitude of gratitude' and thank God for all things - our perspective will often be a lot more positive and selfless. God has already done WAY MORE good for us than we could ever deserve! So if a little sting comes along the way - remember it could be way worse!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

I've Got The Power!

Yesterday our family experienced something we don't very often. Actually - our whole part of town did. We were without power for 3 hours or so. At 3:30 a pretty fierce storm blew in and knocked out power in our neighborhood. At first it was kind of peaceful and quiet. Our kids were taking naps and our house was nice and dark so it was a nice moment at first. But after a little while that peace started to change.

As I was laying in my easy chair with my daughter asleep on my lap I began feeling some moisture in between us. It was sweat. And a lot of it! The a/c not working was finally setting in. Now for my wife this wasn't a big deal. But for my kids and I this is a very big deal. We get hot fast - and when we're united - it gets even worse. I reckon we're not at a super nova - but we're probably approaching that level. But I started to feel bad because we were so inconvenienced for a couple of hours. We even had to leave and go walk around the mall for a little bit until the power came back on. Poor me.

But as we were loading up after we received the text from my MIL that our power was back on I began to think about those that have had it way worse than me when it comes to power loss. Those effected by Hurricane Sandy or Katrina, or folks in other countries all around the world without power and running water. Places where they go days, weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime without the comforts of home that I take for granted every day - except for the 3 hours I spent yesterday in darkness.

For now - I've got the power on. The good money says it will stay on for most periods of my life. And I hope that I can start to be much more appreciative for it now and not take these comforts for granted. After all - every gift from God anyways. Our friend Job tells us in Job 1:21 that God alone gives and He takes away. So tonight He has given me a healthy family, plenty of food, clean water, a/c that's working, and the lights are on. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but may the Name of the LORD be praised.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Roughing It

Growing up my family was not what you'd call 'outdoorsy'. We didn't hunt. We didn't fish. And we most certainly didn't 'camp.' We would vacation to a state park in Indiana, but it was never in a tent or even in a cabin or camper. It was in a very nice hotel complete with tv, a/c, showers, and a nice restaurant. It also had those cool sucker sticks (that's what I called them, at least) with the stripes that rung across like candy canes. We stopped going there when I was 12 and I think I have 'camped out' maybe 2 times since then in some shape or form.

But I decided that it has been too nice lately (70's most of the week) to spend too much time indoors. So I decided to pitch a tent on the back deck. I am proud to say that it didn't take me an exuberant amount of time - but possibly longer than would allow me to keep my 'man card.' But it got done! We didn't end up sleeping in it, but the kids were ecstatic! We put blankets down. We told stories. We even had a roaring fire courtesy of my iPad app. Today we even had a Tent Pizza Party for lunch. It just seemed like one of those moments that even though I snapped a photo on my phone - I stored so much more in my memory bank.

Anytime God gives us another day - it's a chance to increase our memories. Our experiences. To soak in the joy that is life! And not in small doses, either. Jesus said in John 10:10, "I have come that they may have life, that they would have it more abundantly." Being a parent and a husband I have the opportunity to appreciate those moments every day. I know some days I get frustrated and tend to let minute things frustrate me in big ways. But I would much rather let those times roll down my back and keep my eyes focused on the gifts that God has given me.

So maybe we'll try our hand at actually 'roughing it' sometime soon. But for tonight - my soft, bug-free bed is where I'll be.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Going Under

As a pastor there is very little that brings me more joy than to see individuals commit their life to Jesus Christ and be baptized. There isn't a greater honor to be a part of. This past weekend our church had 5 baptisms: One on Friday and 4 today (on Sunday). Ages ranged anywhere from 12 years old, to teenagers, to a man that took over half a lifetime to come to grips with his Creator and make him his Savior. Sometimes it takes time, it takes friends investing in and praying for you, an impacting sermon, or who knows what. God can use any situation or any people (or in some cases animals) to communicate with people.

In the book of Acts in the second chapter we see the apostle Peter giving a great sermon on who Jesus Christ was and how He fulfilled the prophecies in the Old Testament. People were cut to the core! They saw the error of their ways and wanted to know how to (essentially) get right with God.

"When the people heard this, they were cut tot he heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, 'Brothers, what shall we do?' Peter replied, 'Repent and be BAPTIZED, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.'"Acts 2:37-38

Also the apostle Paul says in Romans 10:9 "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.'"

You see… Baptism is an ancient tradition that essentially means 'to dip' in something. In this case water. Now there's nothing magical or extra holy about the water, but it's what it symbolizes. I always describe it as an 'outward expression of an inward decision.' These seeking people have the opportunity to repent, confess with their mouths that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior, and be baptized each week. And it's such a blessing to be a small part of it any time someone is 'going under'. Have you done it yet? What are you waiting for?

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pass the Aloe, Please

There are lots of things in life that are great about having a blonde haired, blue eyed, fair skinned family. However - there is a HUGE drawback - especially during the summer months. While the sun and warm weather can bring lots of family fun and entertainment - it can also bring great danger to our bodies. It's almost like our bodies get 'embarrassed' to be in the sun for any amount of time beyond 4 minutes because it just gets RED! Some of us are worse than others, but all of us can get a sunburn much faster than your average human.

Fortunately - my wife has found plenty of good sunscreens that usually do the job when applied properly. If we're going swimming she has developed this routine: Put on their suits, use spf 50 lotion all over at home on the back deck, put on swim shirts, put on face sunscreen, get flip flops on, travel to pool, get out, spray them with MORE sunscreen, let them dry a bit, then throw them into the water. We also try to reapply as the day goes on and most of the time it does the trick. We will still see rosy cheeks or some raccoon eyes occasionally - but for the most part it's developed a good track record.

For example - yesterday my family went along with Lucy's sisters family to Holiday World in Santa Claus, IN. We we were in the parks from 9:30 AM - 6 PM (most of the time in the water park) and walked out with sun-kissed faces. That's really about it. A little pink in certain areas, but no real burns. SUCCESS! Praise God for free drinks and free sunscreen all over the park!

Today? A different story. The day started out with me and my brother-in-law playing a round of golf during the early morning. As we finished our round the wives and kids pulled up to swim in the pool for a couple of hours. Sounds great! I guess we didn't get our fill during those 6 HOURS YESTERDAY! Haha. I digress.

So I get my suit on and spray up a little bit of sunscreen thinking we won't be staying long. But as we played in the pool - a couple of hours go by and I'm still in and out of the water. Than it dawns on me… My shoulders are tingly. DANG! And sure enough - I came home to see a rosier version of myself in the mirror. Lucy and Journey were good and Fender had some raccoon eyes, but all in all was okay. Me? Walking like a zombie and complaining every other word. I truly thought steam was going to come off my back as I took my cool shower. My wife, the compassionate soul she is, brought in the aloe and covered my back for me. I then covered my shoulders and chest with the blue goop waiting for relief. Praise God that when pain comes - He often provides the solution. You have a headache? Take a Tylenol. You cut your finger? Put on a band aide? Your marriage is struggling? See a great counselor. You're an alcoholic? Get in with the great folks of AA. You're lost and dying in your sin? Receive Jesus and be alive in Him. And if your sun burnt? Pass the aloe, please!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


There's not many times in my life that I would say that I've achieved any type of 'success story'. I've never climbed a mountain, run a marathon, and haven't made millions of dollars. I'm just a pretty average guy doing pretty average things. I'm not what I'd consider a lazy person, but I also probably have no future as a motivational speaker. I'm just a normal guy doing normal guy stuff.

But my wife and I did do something that I'm pretty proud of. We started and completed one of those TV infomercial workouts. Now this is something I've been thinking about for a long time. I watch those things and see these transformations of these people that "are just like me" (Yeah, right! They're all professional trainers or models, probably) and just know that I could do that and look just like them! I'd see P90X and think WOW in 3 months I could look like that! But then realize that you workout for an hour and a half every day and it's bonkers! Then I'd see Shaun T's Insanity workout. Many they're sure getting results and it's only in 60 days! But… They workout out for almost an hour every day. Who has time for that and I don't know if my body would survive the intensity of Insanity… Zumba, Brazilian Booty, the Ab Roller, Richard Simmon's Dancing with the Oldies'. What was going to be a good fit?

I was talking with my brother at his boys birthday party back in April and told him that I wanted to accomplish one of these workouts. Check it off my list of accomplishments. I told him I was really thinking about INSANITY and he said why don't you start with T25 first? My brother and his wife had purchased Shaun T's 'T25' workout. I hadn't heard of this one, yet. It's similar to INSANITY, but only 25 minutes each day for 10 weeks. "Hmm…" I thought to myself. I could do that… And so the journey began.

Truth be told - it was difficult. My body was not prepared for what was to take place. I would plank, burpee, push up, squat, and all kinds of other tortures in an attempt to get in the best shape of my life. My back suffered for a few weeks and there were times I thought my knees would actually give way. But do you know what kept me going? No - it wasn't amazing self-discipline. It wasn't Shaun T or his crew on the TV. It was my wife!

You see - she committed to doing this with me every morning. She wasn't super stoked about it, but she told me if I wanted to see this through that she would come along side me. And she did. Every morning we'd roll out of bed and work out for 25 minutes. We would be dripping with sweat and miserable, but I couldn't have been more proud of her. And while that was sweet and all and yes - I probably am in the best shape I've been in since high school - it wasn't the best part.

Jesus said in John 14:16 that when He left His disciples that He would send an "Advocate" or "Helper" "to help you and be with you forever - the Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit's job is to 'come along side you' and not take your burdens away - but to help you get through them. Maybe that's why Eve came from Adam's side. So that he'd always need her by his side to make him complete. I definitely needed Lucy by my side to see this through!

We also decided that if we were going to work out our bodies - we should also work out our spirits. So we have started doing a 'couples devotional' after every workout. Dr. James and Shirley Dobson have a marriage devotional they did several years ago called Night Light and it's just a short devotional with a thought, some questions, Scripture, and a short prayer. And while it was nice to work out our bodies together, it was even greater to grow together in the Lord by really talking and praying together.

Are my abs perfect? Nope… Is our marriage perfect now? Nope… But both are getting better - and our prayer is that it continues in that direction. Who knows - maybe we'll come out with our own workout/Devotional combo and begin to see healthy couples all throughout the church. How does 'Strong Hearts' sound? Cheezy? That's what I thought, too...

Thursday, June 19, 2014

And I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing

Summer is such a fun time for activities. And I am an 'activities' kinda guy. I love going to ball games, seeing movies, taking walks, playing Frisbee or anything outside. I even a enjoy a competitive night of boardgames and cards. There just isn't a whole lot more fun than enjoying some recreation with friends and family. But what if I miss out? What if I have to work?

Well today answered that question. Today was a normal work day for me, but a day off for my wife, Lucy, as she is only employed part time. Which is wonderful so she can spend time with our kids more while they are young. So being that it was in the low 90's today - they went and did a little swimming. Splashing, jumping, and laughing together. The smell of chlorine and Banana Boat filling their nostrils and pores. And I was in my office looking at a computer screen sitting on my blue exercise ball (yes, I actually use an exercise ball for my office chair). Sigh…

But don't feel too sorry for me. I have had (and hope to have plenty more) opportunities to make memories with my family. Actually - I am super excited that my wife gets these memories with our kids. You see - for the first 2 1/2 years of parenting Lucy still worked full time and only had off Saturday and Sunday (which for the wife of a pastor is every bit as stressful as any other day). Because my Sunday's were usually pretty long - I took off Monday and Fender and I would have what became known as "Dad Day…" We'd go on adventures just me and him. Lowe's, the park, the apple orchard, Sonic, the mall. I even took him over to Guitar Center a few times just me and him. We made so many memories those first 2 1/2 years.

Well when Journey came along - we decided that she would stay home with the kids full time for a while and then maybe just go back part time. Well that's what we've done and it's worked out great! She still gets stressed out from time to time, but she gets to make memories with both of her kids now on special days when ol' Dad can't come in and steal the thunder. But don't worry… I feel a storm coming soon… Haha

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Everyday Headaches

I know we celebrate one day a year where it's okay to brag on ol' dad for a 24 hours. Father's Day is definitely a unique day in which the stereotypical 'Everybody Loves Raymond' dad gets replaced by those more caring role models from 'Growing Pains' or 'The Cosby Show.' Dad's today (unfortunately) earn their bad 'street cred' most of the time. They don't spend the time playing, wrestling, encouraging, or teaching their children the way they should. Rather they often work too many hours, spend too much time watching sports or sports center, hanging out with their buddies, or they may just spend too much out in their work shop. Either way - they're not doing the job God gave them to do. And that's just for the dad's that are in the picture!

The stats of children growing up in a single mother family are shooting through the roof at a staggering rate. These guys just want to 'hit it and quit it' and aren't willing to take responsibility for their actions. Let's just cause a woman to have the greatest responsibility on the planet and then move on to the next gal! Classy! But sadly - how common is it in our world? How many times have you seen it in your own circle of relationships? Too many, right?

Why would a guy do that, though? Probably because all they can see is the headache and not the joy of an absolutely amazing ride! It's kind of the opposite of how they view drinking too much alcohol. They see the joy of the ride and don't think about the headache that follows until it's too late. I've had some cool experiences in my life before parenting, but the one's that follow have been amazing! I can't imagine a better gig or honor than being the father of 2 beautiful children. They're my joy! Especially when I see them growing in the Lord. Hearing their prayers or listening to them sing worship songs just melts my heart. When I hear them be polite or use the words, "I love you." The greatest lesson I can teach them is to follow Jesus Christ. More important than how to use the bathroom, wash their hands, brush their teeth, or hit a baseball. Those all fall short of pointing them to Christ!

"The father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son (or daughter) rejoices in him (her)." Proverbs 23:24 NIV

Headaches will and DO come - at times even daily! But the joy far outweighs any inconvenience that the 'everyday headaches' bring. Being a 'Dad' is not an easy task, but I'm doing my best and with the Holy Spirit's help I know they'll turn out okay…

Friday, June 13, 2014

An Unlikely Worshiper

Listen to this powerful statement of worship from the Old Testament Scriptures:

"Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified Him Who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; His kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back His hand or say to Him: 'What have You done?'"

That passage comes from the Book of Daniel in the 4th chapter starting with the later part of verse 34-35. Now you might think it would make sense coming from Daniel who had seen God's favor on his own life and in the life of his close friends that were chucked into a fiery furnace. But… Are you ready for this? It wasn't Daniel talking. It wasn't Hananiah, Mishael, or Azariah. Then who was it?! Let's read the first part of verse 34: "At the end of that time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified Him Who lives forever."

Did you see who it was? It was King Nebuchadnezzar! The Babylonian king that laid siege to Jerusalem and took the Jews as prisoners of war back to his kingdom. He destroyed God's Temple in Jerusalem in 586 B.C. This is the guy that finally overthrew God's chosen people. Why is he offering such a profound word of praise to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

Well - God decided for whatever reason - to communicate with this Babylonian king. He did it through dreams that Daniel would interpret for him. First he dreamed of the 4 kingdoms that would reign after him (Babylon, Medo/Persian, Greece, and finally Rome). The dream he just encountered in chapter 4 had sent him on a journey through insanity (and no not that horrible infomercial workout!) But he totally lost his mind and "ate grass like cattle and was drenched with the dew of heaven." You see - God had decided - for whatever reason - to bless Nebuchadnezzar but he was arrogant and God needed to knock him down a peg or two until he came to his senses. And when he did - he got his kingdom back. And it was even more powerful than before!

So why would God do that to such a person? Because God loves everyone! He created your crabby boss and your moody spouse. That mom at the pool that looks at you like you're ugly! Yep He loves her. The waiter that messed up your order… again… You got it! Totally loves him, too. God loves all of His creation and wants to give them opportunities to know who He is. Unfortunately - it took Daniel to Babylon to minister to this king. So maybe… Just maybe… God has you doing some uncomfortable things for some unlikable people so that He can show them His love through you. Maybe it's your mission to be in the wrong place at the right time. I don't know what your situation is - but if Nebuchadnezzar can worship God in this way - can't anyone be changed? Just something to think about...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sliding Out of Control

In my post yesterday I documented our bizarre hotel/indoor water park story while in Indy. During that post I touched on the water slide incident with my son, but didn't really delve into it - but it was a pretty monumental moment in my parenting life - so I thought I would share it in today's post.

As I stated in my last post Fender is now a HUGE fan of water slides. When we went to French Lick or any other water park for that matter he is up for anything and so excited when we get to go down water slides together. So you can imagine his excitement and the anticipation as we went up the steps to the drop zone. In his eyes and smile was the wonderment of what it would be like as we zoomed down the slides, thrusting into our splashing halt… We have enjoyed so many of these moments together. But it wasn't always this way. (Back story time)

Fender has always been a little 'hesitant' when it comes to trying new things. Okay - sometimes he's just been flat out chicken! His little sister - not so much. She's foolish enough to try anything that her big brother will do and then some. But a no fear outlook often leads to bruised up knees and tears - but that's a post for a different time! So we spent so much time in the pool and other areas building up courage and getting past our fears. To accomplish this we've always done things together. And he's gotten better. Over these years he knows that if we're together he'll be okay. I'll take care of him and protect him. We're a team. Just the other day he started saying this to me: "Dad we have to stay together. We could never function apart." (tear) I have no idea where he got that from - but it melts my heart every time he says it (especially since I know he'll be in jr high some day and this will not last). But he believes that his dad will take care of him - and I try my best to. (enough back story)

So we finally reach the top and the lifeguard says "you can't go down together. He'll have to go by himself." I said, "He's only 4 and never been down by himself. Are you sure?" The annoyed head shake answered that one. So I asked him if he wanted to go and he said yes really excited. So I went down first to catch him at the bottom. As I began my descent  I was immediately gripped with fear. Not for myself but for the 4 year old I cared more about than anything else in the world. My heart rate shot up as I realized that this would utterly terrify him and he couldn't do this alone. He needed his Daddy with him. I couldn't wait to get to the end so I could stop him from coming down the slide.  I finally splashed in and hopped up and yelled to the top deck to no avail. I then whistled but no response. Finally the lifeguard looked over and gave me the thumb's up that he was on his way down. I was too late. He was coming down all by himself and I KNEW what he was feeling. I KNEW what terror and fear he felt inside. And there was nothing I could do about it. His protector and partner was 200 feet away ready to catch him and hold him in my arms - but I couldn't change his journey now.

His face when he saw me was not one of joy, but of sadness and terror. I felt like through his tears he was saying, "Daddy where were you?! Why couldn't we go together?!" I didn't have an answer except to say how sorry I was, and that he was going to be alright. "Daddy's got you buddy! You won't have to go alone anymore." I have struggled with that feeling of failing as a dad ever since. The idea of leaving my little boy alone to suffer or be fearful without me is almost more than I can stand. Of course - it paints a pretty vivid picture for me of another Father and Son story.

Jesus of Nazareth (God in flesh) spent His whole life with His Father. There was never anywhere or anytime He went or was where His Father wasn't with Him. At home, in storms, in ministry, when with His friends - His 'Abba' was with Him every step… But one… In Matthew 27:46 it says, "About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eli, Eli. lema sabachthani?" (which translated means, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?)" When God placed the sin of all humanity on the person of Jesus Christ - His Only begotten Son - for the first time He was unable to look at Him. He was unable to hold Him. He wouldn't stop what had been decided. His boy was going to go it alone. But here's the thing - Jesus got to the bottom of that slide and He said, "It is finished." He did it. He made it down. It was scary, it was tough, it hurt more than any pain imaginable. And He had to do it without His Dad… But He did it - and His father caught Him when it was all over and brought Him back to His side at the throne of Heaven.

Am I still going to struggle with this? Absolutely. Is it going to change how I parent my kids? Absolutely. Does it make me appreciate all the more what my Abba Father and His Son went through? Absolutely…

Monday, June 9, 2014

Reviews and Warnings

One of the great thing about the church I serve with is that our Senior Pastor encourages our staff to take the occasional Weekend of Rest (a WOR as I normally refer to it). Now, granted, I do not take them as often as I probably should. Truth be told - most of our staff rarely even takes one! But I was motivated to take one this past weekend. Which is WAY EASIER when you have amazing volunteers and other staff members that are willing to pick up your place and (most of the time) do an even better job than I do!

My family and I decided to take the 3 hour drive to Indy! There are several churches in Indy and several mega churches, at that! We decided to visit Traders Point which looked like an exciting place to worship. Their children's programming looked fun - PLUS - they have a Saturday evening service which meant this pastor was 'sleeping in on Sunday!' (What?! Sometimes even pastors wouldn't mind a Sunday off here and there…) AND - we found a cool hotel online that had an indoor water park. We had been to Big Splash Adventure in French Lick, IN and thought this one looked a lot like it! We were excited!

The day started off great! The kids were great during the drive, traffic and construction weren't bad at all. We even had Chick fil a for lunch! All we had to do was check into our hotel, change our clothes, go to church, eat a delicious burger, go back to the hotel and water park it away! This was going to be an amazing family time away! But then we actually arrived at our hotel. We both looked at each other and said the same thing: "This is not what I expected…" We checked in at the front desk and the lobby was nice. The hotel had a lot of charm so I thought maybe it was just the exterior that was starting to be run down a bit. But then we walked into the hallway. We shimmied up the elevator - looked at wall paper falling off the walls - and finally made it to our room. Now I must admit - our room was nice, comfortable, and clean. You could just tell it was 'old.'

We decided it was going to be fine. We got dressed, went to a wonderful service, had a delicious (and unhealthy) burger at Bagger Dave's, and came back ready for a couple hours in the indoor water park. That's when our disappointment truly began to take set in. We walk in the doors and it is PACKED full of people. Kids running rampant with absolutely no parental supervision. Teenage lifeguards walking around utterly clueless not giving me any sense of safety and security for me and my family. The water play land was shut down cause some kid 'had to go #2' and apparently didn't want anyone else to have fun if they couldn't! Fender was excited about the water slides (which we loved in French Lick) but as we got to the top of the stairs we find out that none of them are able to go 2 people. Not even a father and his 4 year old son. Fender was really stoked to try one of the slides so I said I'd go down first and catch him at the bottom. I'll save this experience for another blog here soon - but let's just say he was pale, frightened, and screaming when he came into my arms at the bottom. How could we (or better said I) have been so wrong about this?! The website looked so promising!

And then I checked the reviews a little closer in our room that night. I should have done that before I booked the room! People were begging… Even pleading for people not to stay there. They said the rooms weren't that great - that the lobby was misleading - that the water park wasn't safe and the lifeguards were incompetent… What was I thinking?! I brought my family to a place like this when there were countless people trying to warn me with their reviews?! Needless to say I struggled with some emotions the rest of the night as the protector and provider of my family. I let them down because I didn't research enough and heed the warning of other wearied travelers. I missed the reviews and warnings.

But while I just had a bad hotel experience (I also should say that my kids had a great time and it ended up being a weekend we have laughed at a lot since) - so many people are missing the reviews and warnings about their eternal soul. In a world that is bombarded with a 'do whatever with no consequences' attitude - they are choosing to ignore the warnings of God's Word. "There is no judgement against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone that does not believe in Him has already been judged for NOT believing in God's One and Only Son." (John 3:18 NLT)

There it is! The reviews and warnings. That if you don't believe in and pledge your life to following Jesus Christ - you are in for a disaster! And not just an overpriced, low quality hotel stay - but the danger of total separation from God and an eternity of judgement. It's too risky to not be curious about something this important and of this much consequence. A bad weekend getaway pales in comparison to being plunged into eternal damnation - all because you didn't check the reviews. So where are planning on spending eternity? Are you sure you're on the right path? Have you checked the reviews and warnings? I hope so...

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Squishy Shoes

The day started off like any other day. I got up and did my normal routine and left for work. As I pulled out of my driveway, though, something was different. There were little droplets of rain on my windshield. "Huh?" I thought to myself. "I guess the Lord wants to bless my yard and the farmers with a little drink this morning. Thank You, Jesus, for a little rain!" But as I continued to drive - the droplets got bigger. And they began to fall at a more rapid rate. Pretty soon it was a downright downpour… My windshield wipers were doing their best to keep up. Now I said to myself, "Self… I hope this dies down before I get to work…"

But to my great dismay it did not die down when I got to work. It actually picked up even more! But now the wind was blowing sideways. I thought about sitting in my truck to wait out the rain - but I had stuff to get done and people coming in soon - so I sucked it up and went for it. But as I opened the door I noticed that the parking lot, the road, and sidewalk were all one giant puddle. It was inevitable now… I was going to have squishy shoes. You know when you go to a theme park and you foolishly ride the log ride, or tidal wave and you spend the rest of the day with wet socks and wet shoes? Yeah - that's what I was experiencing. Squishy shoes…

But as I ran through the ginormous puddle, splashing water up my jeans with every leap, I finally reached the door. And I was soaked to the bone! I had taken 2 showers in less than 30 minutes. But I wasn't overly upset. It was just water after all and I wasn't going to melt. (My wife will tell you I'm definitely not made of sugar!) But as I was standing there in my squishy shoes in our church atrium I couldn't help but notice how I felt. I felt strangely energized. My heart rate was up. My mind was really churning. I was functioning at a better pace.

God uses rain to make things grow and we all need H2O to keep us healthy. Our world and our bodies are made up primarily of water - so it makes sense to me that God could use it for different things. Today - it was just the splash of cold water I needed to get me awake and ready to serve Him better. Even if it did give me squishy shoes… So the next time it rains on your life - don't necessarily go reaching for your rain coat or umbrella. God may be providing you with a storm to wake you up so that you'll serve Him all the better!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

One on One

One of my favorite events of the year for our church is our annual golf scramble. Even though the weather rarely cooperates the way we'd hope - it is always fun to meet new friends and see connections made by those that normally wouldn't interact otherwise. I know it's not a Bible study or anything - but it still gets members of the Body of Christ building relationships together.

I had a chance to play golf today in a different 'scramble' than I was expecting when I arrived at the golf course. I ended up playing in a 2-man scramble with a guy that - let's just say - wasn't the best golfer… Of course - he wasn't playing with the best golfer, either - so maybe it was a good match. We didn't have the luxury of 2 other golfers that could help bring our score up like every other team did, but we did have something that no other group did have - time to visit with one person for 5 hours.

Sometimes you don't get to know what someone is truly like until you are with them long enough to know that they're a real person underneath whatever exterior they present in the masses. When we're in a group setting - we often put on our 'public persona' so that people view us however we hope they view us: funny, smart, talented, sexy… (What? Pastors can't use that word?!) Okay… Cute.. (Is that better?) We all want to be somebody that people like or admire. We all just go about it different ways when we have an audience.

But when we only have a small audience - an audience of one, for instance - you can't use our normal tricks to impress them or feed off of other people's energy or responses. It's just you… And them… And you can learn a lot about people during those times.

I think that's what makes marriage so interesting. I have spent SO MANY hours with my wife that she knows exactly who I am. Not who I try to be or who I hope others perceive me as - but me. She has seen me as a pastor, a dad, a son, a brother, a friend, a teacher - but it's the role of husband that gives her the best insight of what (or WHO) I am at my core. Scary, yes. But it's also a relief. No pretenses. I don't have to act like anything else. She just knows me.

How much more does my Heavenly Father know me. Like He told Jeremiah - He knew me before I was ever even in my mother's womb. (Jeremiah 1:4) He knows who I am at my core. He knows my motives. He knows what I'm thinking when I'm smiling and nodding. But here's the kicker - I can know Him if I spend time with Him, too. Just me and Him - one on One. Being in a group is good - but being just alone is even better to get to know Him.

Friday, May 30, 2014

A Better Way

Often times I want things to go my way, in my time, with my desired outcome. Maybe that's why I've always enjoyed Burger King and their motto 'have it your way' (which I literally just heard they might be ditching…) I even find myself telling God things like, "Nah I don't think so…" or "What's taking you so long?!" or "That's the best You got? What about my ideas? My time frame?" I'm sure that I'm the only person that does that, though. Ha

The Bible says in Isaiah 55:8 (NLT) "My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine."

So if if that's true - why do I put so much stock in my own plans? Why do I mope and whine when things don't work out the way I want them to? Because… I'm spoiled. It's true! I feel as if I'm entitled to something special because of who I am. I deserve more. I deserve better. Doesn't God and everyone else know who I am?! Oh… I guess they do… Truth be told - aside from Christ - I'm nothing… I'm nobody of any importance. I'm nothing special. I don't deserve for God to listen to me or show me any favor. And yet - He always takes care of me far better than I deserve. When I should have found death - He gave me life abundant. When I should have stayed hurt - He brought healing. When I should have been broke - He gave me more than enough to meet my needs and the needs of my family. If my Heavenly Father takes care of me like that - Can't I, at least, trust His timing and plans?

So this week - I'm going to try to get my thoughts and prayers off of my own ways and seek out His better ways… "Thy kingdom come - Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…"

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

To Those Who Wait

As Americans - we hate to wait for anything. We hate waiting in lines to checkout, we hate waiting for food, we hate waiting for our coffee, we hate waiting for our spouses. We just hate waiting! And some of us have an amazing gift to wait long no matter what! My wife and I are two of those. We can be at WalMart ready to check out. We'll pick the shortest lane to get into and bypass the long one and - at almost a 92% success rate - we will be in line longer than the other lane. I don't know why - we're just supposed to wait, I guess.

We go to restaurants and we'll be at the one table that the servers aren't sure who has it - and then none of them will come to the table and find out who's at fault - so we wait… and wait… and get up and leave… We're just supposed to wait, I guess. 

I could go on, and on - but to make a long story short - God just wants to work on our patience, I guess. We're just supposed to learn how to wait.

While I hate to wait - there are some things in this world worth waiting for. A piece of Giordanno's pizza… Funnel cakes at the fair… Mr. Freeze at Six Flags (depending on the temperature)… But more than anything - the right spouse that God has provided for us. I feel very blessed to have married my wife. I thank the Lord that I didn't have to wait too long for her - but even if I had to - she'd be worth it…

I had the pleasure and privilege of attending a friend and co-worker's wedding this past Saturday. It was a beautiful ceremony. He looked handsome - his bride looked absolutely stunning - and it was a gorgeous day to celebrate this marriage. Unlike a lot of couples, though, who get married in their young 20's - but this was not like that… He didn't wait for his late 20's like I did… He didn't wait for his 30's… He was in his 40's when got married (I'm a little foggy on the exact age, but you get the idea). He didn't want to make the wrong choice. He didn't want to make a big mistake and marry the wrong person. He waited… and waited… and waited… And God finally brought him his bride. He is proof that good things come to those who wait. 

So as you're waiting on an answer from God - know that He is going to bring you good things. It may not be in your time table - but He is going to bring it… And when He does- you'll also be proof that good things come to those who wait...

Monday, May 26, 2014

In Memorial Of...

Memorial Day means a many different things to many a different people. I guess back in its origins it was intended to be an opportunity for those fortunate enough to call themselves 'Americans' a special day to recognize those brave men and women that have served in our armed forces through the years and say thank you for their sacrifice and dedication to maintaing our freedom. In spite of all of our political and social dysfunction - it's still the greatest country to call home. Many men and women have shed their blood to give us the comforts we so often take for granted, but on this day let us remember their sacrifice.

This day was also memorable because my nephew had his 8th birthday party today (Captain America theme which was so cool!). His birthday was actually on the 17th, but my brother's family is pretty busy and this was the first time they could get everyone together to celebrate. It was a blast! Water guns and balloons, baseball, presents, cake, burgers, and plenty of good conversation made for a fantastic day! How appropriate to remember the sacrifice of some by celebrating the life of a child.

But something else made it extra special. This day happened to be my beautiful wife's birthday. Most people do not get a national holiday for their birthday (unless of course you're born on Christmas Day) - so she was feeling pretty good about herself. We got to go out to dinner last night and enjoy some delicious ice cream from the Custard Stand in Sesser, IL. (If you've never been there - put it on your list) We walked around Target and just enjoyed some time together - just the 2 of us. (That doesn't happen very often with a 2 and 4  year old…) We decided that we still wanted to try and celebrate her birthday today, too, even though we had our nephew's party to go to. So we did! We started the day with homemade birthday cards and pancakes at home. Then to visit family for the party. Then - we came back to enjoy 'Choc A Lot' cake at home with her mom (devils' food cake layered with chocolate frosting, chocolate mouse, marshmallow fondant on the outside, and chocolate ganache over the top. Yes - it is as you assume… Are you thirsty for milk?) We then closed out with a few gifts and said our 'happy birthday' for the last time. I hope she had a good birthday - one worthy of remembering.

It's important to remember the good times as we get older. With so much 'bad' that takes place in our adult lives - it's important to store those memories in our hard drives so that we can go back to them as we need to. So this Memorial Day - Whether it be the heroic deed of a few or another 365 days for someone special - we should thank God for each blessing He sends our way. And… We should celebrate! We should eat, laugh, spray each other with water, and thank The Lord for His favor on our lives. So what are you waiting for? Go celebrate this day! Wa hoo!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Give A Little Life

A couple times a year our church hosts a blood drive for the Red Cross. Amazing nurses come in to our facility and set up beds, computers, and what not and prepare for the people of our community to bring their arms and their hearts to donate blood to the Red Cross blood bank. A, B, O, Positive or Negative - all blood is welcomed - and all can help save lives.

I remember in high school and as a young adult I really didn't care a lot about it. We'd have blood drives at our high school and I'd always make an excuse as to why I couldn't give that day. I had a cold, I was too busy, I had to play game that day (or week). As I said - excuses. When I was in college or a young teacher I'd still avoid it however I could. Even when I first started at the church I was really hesitant, but finally did a time or two. But something happened. Something changed my outlook on 'giving blood.'

In 2009 when my son was born he had some health issues. I won't go into all the details but he was only a few weeks old and he was admitted to one of the children's hospitals in St. Louis. A week and a half in and him just getting worse and worse - they finally told us that he needed blood transfusions. BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS! My son?! How could this be? Would he need my blood? My wife's blood? How much would they need?

That's when they said that there wasn't time for either one of us to donate. The time it takes to prep it and what not is too long of a process. They would use some A Positive that someone else had donated that was already prepared and ready to go. At first that was weird for me. He got his blood from me and his momma. Now - someone else's blood was in the mix. And I don't know who that was from. I don't know their story or anything. Maybe that's where his ornery side comes from (or maybe that comes from me, still)… But I am so blessed and thankful that someone was willing to donate so that my son could live.

I guess that's why Lucy and I try to give every chance we can. My O+ is nothing special - but I hope it can 'give a little life' to someone that may need it some day. It's the least I can do. Someone gave for my son. And I can never repay that person, but maybe I can be a blessing to another dad out there.

I can't ever repay the blood that Jesus Christ poured out for me, either. He gave every last drop for someone like me when He was beaten and nailed to a cross - when didn't deserve it. His sacrifice led to my own transfusion that has given me new life in Him. And I am so grateful that my God would love me so. And you know what? He loves you that much, too.

"For God so loved the world He gave His only Son - that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

"He was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Taken Back

Over the past year and a half or so - my son and I have found another shared love… Jimmy John's. It seems that when we have a little extra 'Father and Son' time we often find ourselves at our favorite sandwich shop. We don't do it often, but today was a special day. Today was his last do of Pre-K for the year. He still has a fun day at the park, but this was the actual 'last day' at class. So I figured it merited a special lunch.

There is a table outside that Fender likes to sit at (no matter the weather) and so we go there when we can. We go inside - he places his order (ham only… I know, I know) - I place mine - we split a sweet tea - and head out to our table. As we scarf our sandwiches and crunchy potato chips we talk about school, his friends, and all the cool cars we see drive by. But today as I looked at my son I went into flashback mode.

I transported through time almost 30 years ago to Kori and Kora's donut shop in Olney, IL where I would go with Mom and/or Dad for donuts. This older couple made delicious donuts and I remember my Dad would get coffee and my Mom would get hot tea in this cool metal cup with a lid. I of course started drinking coffee at a young age to be cool like my Dad! There was even an old cigar box behind the counter that had string in it and I would tie it onto a plastic spoon and go fishing on the floor (the most successful fishing of my life)  while my parents would 'shoot the breeze' with the other folks in the shop. I'm not sure why - but I can remember so much of that as clear as day even though I was so young. The smell in the building, the ding of the door, and the taste of those yummy donuts. Those are good memories for me. Nothing monumental or fantastic ever happened during those 'donut shop days' - but they're special to me.

I wonder if my 4 year old son will feel that way about Jimmy John's? I wonder if his little sister will follow suit or if we'll find another memory to share? But at times like these - I definitely understand what Jesus' mother must have experienced when she 'treasured up' her memories.

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19

Friday, May 16, 2014

More Than Lip Service

"The LORD says: 'These people come near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me. Their worship of Me is made up of only rules taught by men." - Isaiah 29:13 (NIV)

Growing up exposed to 'the church' and now serving in one full time - I've had my share of worship experiences. Some good - some not so good. Some that moved me to tears - some that moved me out the door. Some that were sincere and from the heart - some that were filled with superficial lip movements of 'watermelon'. (That's what I would mouth when I wanted people to think I was singing.) I have felt close to God because of them - and I have felt such disconnect like no other times at other experiences. Why am I telling you this?

Because I have often been 'inconsistent' in my 'worth ship' of Jesus Christ. I (far too often) haven't always worshiped in "Spirit and Truth" (John 4:23-24) as I have been instructed to. I like to just show up and look around the room, mouth some words, and leave the experience unchanged. I am not proud of that. In fact - I'm ashamed of it. I (as a child of the Most High) have been given the privilege of knowing my Creator on personal level - through the reading of The Bible, through relationships with other believers, and through corporate worship gatherings.

It shouldn't matter how I'm feeling or what my week is like. If I believe that God is who The Bible says He is - then it should be a no brainer that I seek His Spirit and His Presence every chance I can. Not just with 'lip service' but with an honest heart, and a loud voice. With uplifted hands and bended knee - leaving any 'rules taught by men' behind - and just spend time with Heavenly Dad!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Not About Me

As a connections pastor at Central Christian Church I find that I get to be involved in a variety of areas of ministry. You may be wondering what a 'connections pastor' does? Me too! I don't really know exactly. I spend a lot of my time trying to meet our new visitors and connect with them and do my best to help answer their questions that they might have about our church or how they can best get involved. It's a pretty neat aspect to my position. But one of my FAVORITE things to do is to 'sub' for our amazing worship pastor. I absolutely enjoy the process of practicing, rehearsing, and leading the praise team and congregation in praising Jesus Christ with music. There's nothing I can think of that makes me feel more complete and fulfilled than praising God with an instrument and my voice.

But I am tempted during this time of 'enjoyment' in forgetting WHO it's' for. I've been performing in the musical realm in some capacity since I was 3 years old (literally on stage at church singing) and there is a pretty big rush when people enjoy your talent(s). Especially when they tell you after the performance is over! There is a real since of pride and satisfaction that comes into play. But in the realm of praise and worship in a church gathering - it's a whole different animal. It's not about me and it's not about you. It's (supposed to be) about HIM... About God… And as a pastor - I always say stuff like that. I throw Scripture at people and give them all the things I know it's (supposed to be) about. But sometimes… Sometimes I'm not feeling at my best... Sometimes my throat hurts... Sometimes I'm pitchy… Sometimes I may think I sound great, but I don't really 'feel' the songs… Will the songs still get sung? Sure… Will they be okay in the eyes and ears of most of the folks sitting in any given congregation? Probably… But when I'm in my head about stuff like that - I'm not doing my job… It's not about me…

You see - corporate worship (church services) should be about us going to the throne room of Jesus Christ and telling Him how great He is… Thanking Him for His many blessings… Offering up our prayers that we have no other hope except for our Savior to intervene. It's about sacrifice and offering to Him our best fruits and efforts. And hopefully in the midst of our singing to and about God - He'll respond… He'll join us in our service and change lives and hearts right in our midst. But even if He doesn't… He's still worthy of our praise and adoration.

Will I do okay this weekend leading our amazing band and singers? I hope so… Will I sound dynamite and belt it out? I'd like to… But more than anything - I pray that my focus is on Christ. The One that loves me - and died for me - forgives me - and restores me… It's not about me! It's about Him...

Sunday, May 11, 2014

M.O.M's Day

On my way to church today I was thinking about the beautiful woman I left in bed snuggled to my 'up too early' 2 year old daughter and the difficulties that she deals with on a daily basis as a mother. As I drove down the road I took a trip down 'memory lane' and revisited my own childhood and began to ponder the patience my mom had to use in order to be my mom. I'll spare you the specifics, but needless to say, it wasn't that easy of a gig. Sorry, Mom! If it makes a difference - I finally am starting to appreciate all of your sacrifices, encouragement, and dream crushing that you've always provided for me.

And I'm not sure why as I got closer and closer to work I started to think of acronyms that M.O.M could stand for that would encompass the job title and calling. Here's a few I came up with:

Maker of Milk - Science and research shows that there is a bond of connection between a child and mother like no other than those first weeks of breast feeding. It may lead to a few sleepless nights those first weeks (but as my older brother always said to encourage his bride) that's a bond mom's don't want to miss out on.

Mopper of Messes - Cleaning up the spills and messes of kids is a full time job in and of itself. So who cares if you smell like bleach and detergent or Pine-sol - it's better than Chanel No. 5 any day!

Master of Music - I love to hear my wife sing to my kids at bed time. Even though she doesn't think she sounds good - It's one of the sweetest sounds and it's made a HUGE impact on their lives.

Master of Mending - Mom's fix stuff. It's true. Whether it be clothes, buttons, or broken hearts - it's mom's do.

Master of Meals - Mom's, along with all their other responsibilities, often times find themselves trying to come up with a menu that excites their husbands and appeases their picky children. Not an easy task!

Maker of Mistakes - They do... Not often - but nobody is perfect...

Mind over Matter - Sometimes it takes will-power to make it through the day in the life of a M.O.M! Hang in there...

Make others Mad - Most encounter this stage when the kids are in Jr. High and High School. Or maybe for always... As my mother can plainly tell you - it's always Mom's fault...

My Own Miracle - Probably the most accurate one... I can't imagine something more important than the person that gave you life. Blood for blood and flesh for flesh. She carried you in her womb for 9 months... She carried you in her arms for 2 years... She carries you to bed when you fall asleep... She bathes you, feeds you, clothes you, and takes care of you when you're sick. She's a teacher, a chef, a disciplinarian, a protector, a cheerleader, a coach, and endless array of duties. No doubt the most underpaid and under appreciated role anyone could have.

I know all mom's deserve more than just one day a year - you deserve to be celebrated every day. Thank you for all you have done, do, and will continue to do. Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Stuck In A Rut

I was driving home the other day when I saw a fellow on a lawnmower stuck in a ditch. He wasn't in any danger - he was just stuck. Unable to go forwards or backwards. He made efforts on his own to build momentum and do it all on his own, but in the end all his efforts proved unsuccessful. It wasn't until his buddy with a pick up truck and a chain arrived that he was able to get his fancy zero turn mower with an oversized deck from being stuck. (I'm not jealous or anything. I love my 21" deck Craftsman push mower! Ha)

The truck pulled forward slowly - the chain tightened - and the guy slowly drove his once stuck lawn mower out of the ditch and was able to finish the yard he was working on.

In our lives we sometimes feel stuck. We're not in a 'bad place' - but we just can't really move forward or even backwards. We feel like there is no place for us to excel. No place to contribute. No place to create and be appreciated. We've been at the same job so long that it's the same thing every day. We've stayed at home with the kids for several years and now the thrill of watching them grow up has dissipated. After 7 years of marriage we just don't feel that 'spark' anymore.

Maybe all you need is a friend to come by and help pull you out of that rut. Bring their smile, encouraging words, and their hand and just reach out to you and (be it ever so slowly) help pull you out of the rut you're stuck in. Now - it's not all on them. That's why I wrote "help." We have to do some of the work, too. And when they're out they can continue on with the task that GOD has laid before them.

Now we can't control whether or not a friend will come and help us out of our rut. BUT - we can control helping our spouses, family, friends, and co-workers out of their ruts. So maybe we can make that our focus. And who knows - if you're helping someone out of their ditch - it may get you out of your own.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Turn Things Around

Being a dad is by far my favorite job of all time. What other profession can you be Flash one minute, Will Turner the next, and then Bumble Bee a few minutes later (As you can see - I always end up being more of a side-kick to Batman, Captain Jack Sparrow, and Optimus Prime). With my daughter I get to play with Minnie and Daisy, knock over blocks, and run around the fire place. I get to have dance parties, ride bikes, go on walks, play with the hose, push my kids on the swing set, watch tons of kid shows, and sing "Let It Go" at the top of my lungs. I even get the privilege of helping them with letters, numbers, and writing their names. It's a pretty sweet gig!

But what about when I have to say, "No I can't play right now"? What's the response of these kids when I say, "I can't this second, but I will later?"

"Well fine (with arms crossed and lower lip out)! Then I guess I'm not your son anymore!" or "I not gonna play anyMORE" (imagine a 2 year old saying that one). Or yesterday's from my son, "Dad - I won't ask you to play with me ever again." Let me preface to say that my son, Fender, is (putting it lightly) OVER DRAMATIC! I started to feel a slight bit sorr... Nah - I didn't. I knew he was just being a brat and that he didn't' mean it. I knew he'd apologize and come to his senses and realize that his dad likes nothing better than spending time with he and his sister playing, learning, laughing, and spending time together...

After Fender said, "I'll never ask you to play with me again" he walked out of the room and I almost started counting in my head because I knew it wouldn't take long for him to come back in and change his mind. I'm guessing it was around 10 seconds, "Dad, would you still play with me again when you're done? I'm sorry I didn't' mean that." What can you do when you're kids are there with tears welling up in their eyes trying to make it right?

What an obvious parallel with our relationship with our Heavenly Father. When we get spoiled and selfish we turn away from Him. The only thing is it usually takes us more than 10 seconds to come back and tearfully apologize. Sometimes its days, weeks, months, or even years. We are too stubborn to see that He only wants good things for us. And they may not come in our time table - but they will come. We just need to turn back to Him.

"if my people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."

 - 2 Chronicles 7:14

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Has It Really Been That Long?

Has it really been that long? I guess it has! It would seem 3 years has gone by since my last post. I didn't mean for that to happen. Life gets busy, you add another kid, and you get in the habit of 'not' doing something. Well that was me and blogging. Well I have decided to get back on the horse. I always enjoyed the 'blogging' world as it gives me a chance to collect my thoughts for the day + it allows me the opportunity to hit the backspace key, too.

Sometimes we like to just speak our minds without editing it first. Some call it 'verbal vomit.' That often times gets us into trouble. I know it does with me and my wife, at least. I can't imagine loving anybody more than I do her, but I'm still able to say mean and hateful things to her if I react quickly and say the first thing that comes out of my mouth. Just last week we got into a heated discussion and I was saying things that 'weren't me' - and I felt TERRIBLE! That's not how I'm to speak to anyone - especially not my wife. I wish I had a backspace key on my mouth so that only the good stuff actually came out.

Paul writes in Ephesians 4:29 - "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

So maybe next time I can pause - hit the backspace key - remember that Scripture - and speak in a way that loves others and honors God.