Saturday, December 19, 2009

'Til There Was You

I am not known to be a huge fan of weddings... Now that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy some and think they are important - but I'm not one that desires to go to 20 a year... Unless you are involved with the wedding, or are ridiculously close to the bride and/or groom - it's uncomfortable... You know what I'm talking about - They let your row out and what do you do? Do shake hands? Do you hug? Do you graciously walk by because you have no idea who they are? Like I said - "UNCOMFORTABLE"!

Today was a different story, though... For starters - I played keys at it... I always enjoy doing that for people to make their day special, but this was for a good friend of mine... This friend and I have been friends over the past 5 years when we were in small group and have been close ever since... And this friend had an interesting story... He had - like many of us - given up on love... After several bouts with being 'shot down' by several young ladies - my friend was getting discouraged... He was a great guy with a great heart - but he felt like there was something wrong with him... He felt as I did at one point in time: "Would I be alone?"

Over the past year, though - a great change took place... He met a girl - a wonderful girl that has changed his life... They enjoy being together - they support each other... It's so sweet to see them developing in their relationship all the time... It seems as if they were meant for each other... That God had a plan - and even though it looked like it would never happen - (Like always) He pulled through... They looked so happy today as they went through the ceremony... It almost felt like a scene from the Music Man - or for you Adam Sandler buffs - the Wedding Singer: "There were birds all around but I never heard them singing... No I never heard them at all 'til there was you."

Friday, December 18, 2009

Hustle Bustle

One of the aspects Christmas that tiptoes the line of "love & loathe" is the busyness of the season... Many would call it the "hustle bustle"... Between parties, family get-together's,  Christmas programs, worship services, shopping, and cookie baking - The calendar can fill up pretty quick... I have found that to be true in my life, at least... I, for one, enjoy the 'h & b' of Christmas... I like to be active and making memories... My wife, on the other hand, would just assume sit at home with me and the boy and watch tv... I don't think either one is wrong or right - but I think a healthy dose of both is what we should all strive for...

I found this out when I looked at the calendar on my phone and saw that there was one day when there wasn't an evening event for me... ONE DAY! I had rehearsals, Band practices, Small groups, Dinner parties, Family pictures... It is non-stop! But - I've got a lot of memories now and I wouldn't change a thing... I had my first family Christmas pictures with my wife and son... I've gotten to spend time with my friends and co-workers... I've been able to spend time getting to know my students better at our rehearsals and groups... Now - granted - another blink and I'll be in January - but I'm going to enjoy it while my eyes stay open... So I'm going to keep going on and enjoy every moment of every day... I'm not getting December in 2009 back ever again - So I continue on...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Concerts

One of the things that truly gets many people into the 'spirit' of the season is undoubtedly the Christmas music... Various arrangements of traditional favorite tunes puts boys and girls, young and old in a 'holly, jolly' mood... Whether it be driving in your car, strolling through the shopping mall, or home decorating your tree - singing about a "Silent Night" or the song about the angel, "Hark" puts you in a joyful frame of mind...

There is one venue that I can always count on to bring Christmas cheer to my heart - and that is annual high school Christmas Concerts... Our local high school had its program today and I decided to go... I have several students that were involved in the band, choir, and orchestra... They all did a wonderful job... The strings were sweet - the voices angelic - and the flutes - were... Uh, well... 'Flutes'... Ha - just kidding (band humor)... Some tunes I remember from my teaching days, while others were a nice surprise...

While I enjoyed the music and seeing the smiling faces from the audience - there was something I enjoyed even more... I truly was glad to hear that they still called it a "Christmas Concert"... It wasn't a "Winter Concert" or "Holiday Concert"... A "Christmas Concert"... Yeah - "Christ" is in that word... Without Him - we'd be celebrating 'mas'... That doesn't sound very exciting... Without Christ - there is no reason to celebrate... But with all the work on Capital Hill to remove Christ from everything - it's neat to see that some institutions are still willing to call things what they are... Way to go, guys... I'm proud of you... Now - Let's go on a 'Sleigh Ride', shall we... "Just hear those sleigh bells jingling"...

Friday, December 4, 2009

God's Arrangement

Today was a trip down 'memory lane' for me... I was able to do something I haven't done very much of in quite a while - I got to 'arrange' music... For the past couple of days I have been arranging Christmas tunes to be played by different ensemble in our Christmas program debuting in a few weeks... I haven't done much of that since my teaching days... As I got into it deeper and deeper - I began to realize something... I am rusty... I didn't realize how much practice it takes to stay good at being creative and orchestrating music... But I definitely enjoyed myself... Similar to remodeling a room in the house - it's exciting to see something go from what it used to be - stripped down to the bare bones - and layer by layer - made into something fresh and new... 

It was such a joy to think of interesting harmonies and counter-melodies to go with the tune... Taking five violins and making them compliment each other in the grand scheme of a composition... It is very gratifying, but hard work... It got me thinking about our Heavenly Father... He orchestrates this entire world into a beautiful symphony of His pleasure... He positions each section to be in the right spot for optimal sound quality... He uses the sounds of the waves to lay a foundation of tone... He then uses the winds to add depth... He uses the birds and rustling of trees to add texture... And He allows our voices to take the melody as we offer up melodious praises to His Name... 

"All the earth bows down to you; they sing praise to you, they sing praise to your name." Selah (Psalm 66:4)

It's fun to create music... But it's much more exciting to be part of God's Orchestra... Selah!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Unknown Family

I have been very blessed that God made me a part of the family He did... Even though I, at times, have been vocal about my displeasure with them - I know that I couldn't have been assigned a better crew to grow up with and to raise me... My folks have been married for 40-some years and I have 2 older sisters and an older brother... There are a couple of 'sibling-in-laws' in there and some nieces and nephews... But the 5 original stated are what I grew up with... 

I love my siblings... Being the youngest - I was treated differently... For example: If I was sick - The "Middle" sister would take care of me... The "Oldest" sister would (if not working one of her 10 jobs) would be handing me a wash rag with her arm stretched 'around the door' waving, "Here you go... Come and get it"... Now - my brother - well that's a different story... He would have been laying on top of my stomach trying to make me puke... But - like he would always say, " I'm just trying to help"... I'm still trying to figure out that philosophy!

Those memories came to mind today due to the fact that my uncle - my Mom's brother - recently passed away... I didn't know him very well - but quite frankly - neither did my mom... They didn't have much a relationship for a long time... I don't know why and I don't even know if they knew "why"... But it got me thinking... I would hate not having a relationship with my brother and his family... I would hate not knowing what was happening with my sisters... Not seeing my nieces and nephews grow up, but in the occasional Christmas Card... That would break my heart... And I know it is no fun for my mother, either...

So let me take a second and thank God for my family... I know we don't get to see each other every day - or even as often as I'd like... But I love them... And they will always be a part of my life... But you know what's even better then that - The fact that I will spend eternity with them and Christ... Now that's a family photo I can't wait for...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A New Addition

One of the most exciting things that can happen to a homeowner is to build on a new addition... Whether it be adding on a 2 car garage, a new bathroom, a screened in porch, or maybe even creating a master suite - it can make your home seem brand new... Now - that doesn't mean that it will always be an easy process to get it there... As most of you know - when you are "remodeling" - normally your life feels like it's in shambles... Nothing is in its place - there is clutter everywhere... You (at times) feel as though you have no control... But the end result - Oh, yeah... Totally worth it... Even though it was difficult to get there - you wouldn't change a thing...

Now - one of the most exciting things that can happen to a married couple is to add a new addition, which is what just happened for my brother and his family... They (in what seems to be one of the quickest deliveries in history) gave birth to a beautiful baby boy...

While being one of the most humbling experiences in life - bringing a child in the world is so exciting - and it makes your family feel brand new... Now - is the 9 month process leading up to the delivery easy - nope... It's hard from the time she feels nauseous until weeks after the baby arrives... But the end result - Oh, yeah... It's totally worth it... Even though it can be difficult - no way would you change a thing... New additions totally change your life... In this example, though - the clutter doesn't go away with the dumpster... You just keep adding more and more and more... Is it time to build on..?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ring That Bell

Tonight something happened in the life of our ministry that hasn't happened in almost a year... The ringing of bells filled the auditorium... It started with a G and then worked it's way down the octave - hitting every beautiful note in between... We played individual tones and chords alike... We played complex rhythms followed by simple melodies... It was a glorious sound that was produced by our 5 'Bell Chimers'...

Each year we prepare a hand bells number for our Student Christmas Program... I make out a chart for some Christmas tunes and I teach my students something that they've never done... Most of which have never even seen a hand bell before... Now - I'm sure their grandparents have - but it's not something you see much in the church anymore - at least not at "Contemporary" churches... We have seen bells, organs, and often times many orchestral instruments find their way out of our worship services... It would seem that those types of instruments don't hold the attention of our Pop Culture Churches anymore... Now - keep in mind that I am a HUGE fan of relevant and contemporary worship... I believe that (as a leader in the church and as a worship leader) that we are responsible for writing and arranging songs that are anthems for our lives and an outcry of our spirit to the Lord... That's why when I write a praise and worship song - I use 'Rock' instrumentation: Guitars, drums, etc... I like over driven and distorted guitar... I like well played drum kits... I even like electronic loops and sequences being played...

And maybe it's my partial Methodist upbringing or my formal music training - but I always enjoy the sounds these bells make... I enjoy the resonance that each 'ding' provides and seeing 10 hands make exciting music from these brass bells always warms my insides... I see my students get excited about an activity that I've only ever seen people my parent's age enjoy (now I know if my mother is reading this that she is now offended) but seeing a teenager feel proud of what they have accomplished is so amazing... I guess this goes to show that not everything old is bad... It still has value and can be appreciated by every generation... Now - don't think I'm putting these students in robes and so forth... Oh, no... We'll have black lights and cool scarves on to make it look amazing... So - what do you say? Are you ready to be a 'ding dong'?

Monday, November 23, 2009

My Dance Card Is Open

One of my wife's favorite shows is "Dancing With the Stars" on abc... It takes celebrities (many of which are trying to make a 'come back' or are trying to establish themselves in the industry) and matches them with a professional ballroom dancer... They train week after week to perform one, two, or sometimes three dances for a panel of judges and millions of voters... They train rigorously for five days and are expected to offer their best dance each Monday night... Tuesday then comes and somebody is going home... Sadly - each week one of the contestants is voted off the show by the fans votes, or lack there of... But they give their very best effor to dance and impress both the judges and the fans...

I enjoy ballroom dancing very much... In fact - I took three semesters of ballroom dance in college and really enjoyed it... I even won a few ribbons in my time, but that's a different story for a different time... But I think dancing is important... It can be done for fun (school dance), in celebration (a wedding), for competition (ballroom, cheerleading, dance team, etc.) There are several occasions that inspire us to dance - all of which can bring a smile to your face...

I was priviliged to be a part of such a celebration this past weekend... In our student worship service we did a song that - uhh... "Encouraged" dancing... We were singing songs about clapping our hands and shouting for the Lord... (Psalm 47) And then we sang songs about dancing before Him...

"David... danced before the LORD with all of his might." (2 Samuel 6:14)

It was so powerful to be with 100 students dancing with reckless abandon before our God... However - I'm sure many would not approve of our behavior in a "church setting"... Sometimes - it seems like many Christians don't want to emulate the man who was said to be "after God's own heart"... "'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.' (Acts 13:22) Why is that? I don't know... It would make sense to me that we should model someone that has a heart after God, but that's not always the case, is it..? Much like the "spiritual folk" in Footloose - many feel that dancing is not for the children of God... But if you look in the Bible like our friend Ren McCormick - you will see that God has a different perspective... "There is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance..." (Ecclesiastes 3:4)

So - "Everybody cut foot loose!"

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

That Time Already

It's amazing... "It" is in the air... It's in the shopping malls... It's filling the aisles of your local Wal Mart... It is even finding it's way to radio stations across the world... Christmas is coming! I know, I know - we haven't even gotten to Thanksgiving, yet... But, rest assured - Christmas is already showing it's beautiful face... I know all of this because I have been to the mall and Wal Mart... I've have flipped through stations on the radio... My best friend has already put up three Christmas trees at his house (He says his wife "made" him, but I have my suspicions...)

I don't mind, though... It's my favorite time of year... Which is partly why I'm already excited to be planning our student Christmas program at our church... We are planning songs, videos, dramas, and (of course hand bells) that will bring forth the sounds of the season... It's an exciting time that, though it's a great deal of work, is always a joyous occasion full of excitement and wonderful memories...

Maybe a large part of it is the excitement of Christ's birth... Remembering the account of Jesus Christ came to earth as a baby through His mother, Mary... We think about His birth in Bethlehem - and the wise men visiting - and the shepherds and the angels... But you know what else it makes me think of? His return! Now that's a season I will be ready to sing about!!! "Joy to the world - the Lord is 'coming'!"

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Off To Bed

Well tonight's the night... It's been 3 months with our little boy sleeping in his bassinet in our bedroom - or in a hospital bed... But tonight his mommy got him fed - put him to sleep - and took him to his bed in his room... This is pretty difficult for us, though, because he's only ever napped in there... He's a good 12 feet further away now -what if he needs us? Well - I know it will be fine... We have the monitor next to my ear so if he even moves in the night - I'll hear it... But there's something about being in 'plain sight' that provides a certain comfort... If I can see him - I know he's there and he's fine... But if I can't see him - I have to rely on him to cry loud enough or for the equipment to work properly so I can get to him and meet his needs... I know it's the best thing for him to be in his bed - I just need to have faith that he's going to be fine in there all by himself... It's difficult to have faith in things that you cannot see... That's kind of the purpose of faith, I guess...

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)

We have to believe that God will take care of us even when we don't see Him right there... He is always there to take care of us when we need... He's just a good Dad and gives us our own space sometime so we can do some things on our own... Much like my son - we need to become comfortable in our surroundings and know that our 'Dad' is going to be 12 feet away and listening for our cries... He'll be there the moment we need Him... So rest well in your 'own beds' tonight... Daddy's close by...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

It's always a humbling experience for me when Veteran's Day comes around... When I see flags lining the road or cemetery, or a beautiful picture display of men and women serving (both past and present) in the armed services - I'm brought back to the reality that those 'Bill of Rights' and liberal "freedoms" that we often 'throw around' were not cheap... They were AND STILL ARE being paid for at a high price... Many leave their mothers and fathers at a mere 18 years of age - others leave behind a fiance or expecting mother... Some miss out on their little children growing up over a year or two year... Many a soldier slide through sticky jungle heat - Others battle the bitter cold - and many trudge through dry desert conditions... Why? So we don't have to... They go and spend their days being shot at, ridiculed, (at times) unsupported, and putting their lives on the line each day for our 'right to live'... Many even pay the ultimate price for their service - and leave wives, children, mothers and fathers, and families to pick up the pieces of their heroic efforts...

I know not every soldier in our Armed Forces is a Christian or loves the Lord - but I'm in awe of their willingness to act like Him... By that I mean - be willing to lay down their lives for people they don't know and probably never will... Many, of which, take their sacrifice for granted... But they do it anyways...

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)

Many of us would willingly die for our spouse, our children, our families, or our friends... But how many would die for a complete stranger..? How many of us would die for someone that would never know or appreciate our sacrifice..? Jesus Christ died for everyone that ever lived or will be on this earth... He died for the Pharisees and even gave His life for the soldiers that beat Him and nailed Him to the cross... And you know who else He died for - me... Someone who is ungrateful and disgraces His sacrifice more than I care to mention... But His death gave me freedom - freedom from sin and from death... Much like our soldiers - Jesus sacrificed everything to keep me free...

So - don't forget to thank our Veteran's for their sacrifice... But more importantly - thank Jesus Christ daily for His sacrifice! God bless America!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Can't Get Used To It

Even after 2 straight months of pricking and sticking - I can't get used to seeing my son have blood work done... It's bad enough that twice a day his mother and I have to give him blood thinning shots to make sure his blood stays at a normal level (and we still don't know how long we are going to have to do that)... But once a month now we go in for 'blood work'... For most of us this would be a fairly easy process - Show up, get stuck, draw the blood, and you're out... Not the case for our 12 week old son... His little veins are so small that it's next to impossible to find... It's pretty much the same every time - First tech tries a few times - feels bad and gives up... Then enter the next tech - same thing... Finally (5 or 6 sticks later) someone else comes in and tries it 'one more time' - and finally gets the blood drawn... There's not much worse than seeing and hearing your little boy scream in agonizing pain and you can do NOTHING about it... If only you could take the needles instead... If that could be you they were trying to take blood from...

I spoke of this situation in a communion meditation a few weeks ago during a church service - well - I blubbered through it... It's odd to think that God has shown me good things in this experience, but He has... I am learning more and more about how much He ACTUALLY loves us... He would let His Son, Jesus, go through being beaten, flogged, hit with a staff, having a crown of thorns shoved on His head, and nailed to a cross and suffocate... Why? For me and my sinful nature... He allowed His son to go through all of that and die - for me - a sinner... When I think about how much I hate to see my little boy go through this - it makes me look at things a little bit different... My Heavenly Father loves me so much...

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son - that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

Thanks, Father... For loving me THAT MUCH!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dad Day

Monday's are continuing to become one of my favorite days... Lately that has increased due to the fact that I spend Monday's with my son... Due to working on Sundays - many of us take Monday off... So instead of grandma - he gets "Dad" for the day... We play - we nap - we eat - we poop... We get to go in rides in the truck - many of times we'll find ourselves at the orchard getting apple cider donuts... They're delicious - at least he likes them - ha (he's only 12 weeks old, but I tell people they are for him...)

It's important for he and I to have a strong relationship... There is something hardwired inside of us that we are connected to our mothers - perhaps the whole 9 months in the womb and umbilical cord have a deeper impact than we know (I sometimes still have to remind my wife to 'cut the cord!') But it's more work to stay close to your father... Whether that be from working long hours to support the family, or (for some) they're more interested in hanging out with their buddies or watching football... But so much with our children is based off of the relationship with their daddy... Many experts say that social skills, intelligence, and even sexual health and preference come from relationships (both healthy and unhealthy) with the father... And that's just one of the many reasons that I know I am blessed... My parents were both there for me and were commited to each other for the long haul... That's impressive and quite rare... But what a great example for me to follow in being commited to my wife and raising Godly children... So thanks, Mom and Dad...

I love 'Dad Days' and I pray that I never grow tired of them... The truth is - I know he's going to grow up fast... There may even come a day when he doesn't want to be around me, but I know that these days spent together are going to impact him for the rest of his life - and that's my job - to make sure he grows up to be strong in the Lord...

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

No-Shave November

My wife and I are very similar... And the longer we are married - the more (or so it appears) we are becoming even more similar... We use the same words - we enjoy the same types of food and restaurants... We enjoy the same television shows (well - mostly!)... We are two 'peas in a pod' are my wife and I... There is one thing we do differ on - and that is the (not so well known) phenomenon of "No-Shave November"... I think it's pretty cool - my wife? Does not... She thinks that long, scraggly hair off of my face isn't very 'becoming'... She would prefer that I keep my grooming to where she can actually 'see' my face... I guess I should take that as a compliment, though... But there's something - oh, what's the word... MANLY about 'No-Shave November'... I'm not sure why the idea of letting your beard get as long as possible over a span of 30 days is so attractive to me, but I know many a men who would enjoy it - if their wives, mothers, or girlfriends would allow it! 

There must be some type of 'power' that comes along with it... Maybe that's why Sampson went for the whole Nazirite vow, thing... 

" 'During the entire period of his vow of separation no razor may be used on his head. He must be holy until the period of his separation to the LORD is over; he must let the hair of his head grow long." (Numbers 6:5)

Maybe in his quest to be a strong man of God with his Nazirite vow -  in turn God made him a strong man...  He was a judge that God appointed to rescue Israel for a time... Now granted - it all didn't work out the way I'm sure he and his family imagined it would - he had some trouble following the Nazirite rules (wine, dead things and - of course - women)... But Samson did destroy the Phillistines that were oppressing the Israelites - but it took taking his own life to do so... 

So - for all of us out there that are being ridiculed for our 'burly', 'semi-lumberjack-ish' appearance this November- stay strong, my friends... And if it gets too much for you - tell them that you might lose your strength if you shave off your beard or cut your hair... And she doesn't want that - who will kill the spiders, take out the trash, and rake those leaves!

Friday, October 23, 2009

A Chili Night

Tonight we did something extremely fun for some of our students... We had a 'Chili Night' out in our backyard... Now - I know what some of you are thinking - "Chili Night?" Yep - we decided to have a fun, fall evening... I made my (in my mind, at least) World Famous Chili and I grilled hot dogs for (what else) chili dogs... We had one of those 'fire pits' from Lowe's where we roasted marshmallows for S'mores... And - we made an effort to have caramel and apples... It ended up more like delicious 'cement' - but it was a nice effort...

But the students had a great time... They visisted with each other... Some they knew already - and others they got to know better... We sat around on our deck and one of our boys led us in a few worship songs and the National Anthem (that's one of those random moments that someone starts to be goofy, but we all ended up singing it to the end!)... But as we were singing songs like "Marvelous Light" or "How He Loves Us" - I began to see that even in that kind of environment - these kids were worshiping the Lord together... It wasn't perfect - it wasn't even always pretty... But it was beautiful... Psalm 47:6 says, "Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises." And that's what we did...

Nights like these are important for any organization, but especially the Church... We need to be with each other outside 'The Building' to really get to know each other... And when fellowship and worship break out in that type of atmosphere - look out! And may I recommend that you do it with a chili dog in hand. What a tasty night!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Meetin' Time

Almost always in the 'professional world' you will find yourself in a meeting of some kind... Whether it be for professional development, or just a brain-storming session - you are going to be grouped together with your co-workers and peers... As a teacher the first part of my professional career I attended these meetings on a regular basis... They would vary anywhere from our weekly staff meeting on Thursday mornings to periodic Union meetings after school... I must be honest - I usually drifted off to 'a distant land' in several of those gatherings over that five year period... It's not that I didn't care - but I seldom had any direct interest or input, or so I thought at the time... I did enjoy the few moments before the meeting started to get to visit with my colleagues  which (as I look back now) was the most important part of the meeting process... Relationships are key to making an organization work...

As a church staff - we have pastoral meetings semi-regularly... In contrast to my approach on 'teacher meetings' - I have come to look forward to these staff meetings... It's a chance to pray together, do a short study and discussion (which I like very much), take care of logistics, and find out what's happening across the building... I always feel closer to the other pastors every time we close... In that short amount of time we have shared about ourselves and found out about the other people we serve with - Which is important for people on the same team... We need to be of 'one mind'...

 "Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace." 2 Corinthians 13:11

So I look forward to the next 'not so chance' encounter with our pastoral staff in two weeks... Who knows - maybe we'll come up with something that will greatly impact our church, our community, or even - THE WORLD!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rain Will Fall

It's amazing to me that the song from Led Zeppelin (cleverly titled "The Rain Song") has some pretty deep insight into our lives... "Upon us all, a little rain will fall..." I'm reminded of that on days like this - cool, rainy, gloomy... A definite change from the days of 65 degrees and sunny that I was enjoying so much, recently... But you know what's interesting - How could I enjoy those beautiful days as much if there weren't days like this? I wouldn't - I couldn't - I shouldn't (ok - I threw that one in - I was on a roll!) 

Here's a practical example: How would you know how delicious a cold, refreshing, sweet, caffeinated, sugar-filled soda is unless you've tried it's 'diet-substitute' knock off - You can't, right..? You have to have tasted the bad to enjoy the good...

The same is true in life... We all desire easy going, stress-free, trouble-free lives... Here's the catch, though - We have to have those cruddy, 'rainy' days to really appreciate those times in our lives... If everything is great normally - do you know what it becomes? NORMAL! Normal is no fun - it's just... Normal... It's ordinary... Where's the fun in that? I'd rather be able to look forward to those times when God is showering me with His favor - even if I feel like He's not present...

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)

So - get your umbrella and fedora out and sing and dance around a light pole on this rainy day... Because tomorrow - you've got some rejoicing to do!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Hiatus

It seems that people often like to choose different - sometimes 'fancy' words when they are going to be absent from their normal lives for a period of time... They use words like SABBATICAL or HIATUS... I remember in college often hearing that a professor would not be teaching this semester because they were on "SABBATICAL" - most of the time doing research for something or other... I believe that word comes from the Jewish "Sabbath", though - but that's a different blog in and of itself... I however like the other word, though... HIATUS... Go ahead and say it with me, "HIATUS"... It's one of those tasty words that just 'rolls off the tongue'... Hiatus by definition means, "a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc." (

Well that's what I feel like I have been on for the month of September... My last post was on September 1 - and that has mainly to do with my son... It was nothing he 'meant' to do, but the little guy has certainly taken his mother and me on a 'roller coaster'... And not one of the fun one's where you get off and immediately say, "Let's go again!" No, no, no... It is one where you are in the middle of the ride screaming like a little girl, "GET ME OFF THIS THING!!!" He got sick... At first we didn't think anything was wrong with him - then 'here we go'... 18 days straight... 2 different hospitals... 3 different rooms... And a partridge in a pear tree... We saw countless doctors and nurses - some were fantastic, others could spend a little more time in the books then watching 'House' or 'ER'... 

My wife and I were determined to not leave our son in this dark time - so we spent every night in different circumstances so we could be with him... Some were spent in a single hospital bed - together!!! Some were spent on a hard, but roomy couch-thing... Other nights found us on floors, chairs, and in lobbies... We had a few times of comfortable showers, but not many... Fortunately for us, though - the cafeteria food was good... So that softened the constant blows... 

But - happy to say - we are home... I am at my computer 'semi' regularly - and hopefully will be able to join the ranks of 'Blogging', yet again... And I actually have some pretty good material for the next several installments... God sure teaches you a lot in the cruddy times of life... Good thing He's always there...

"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fall Is In the Air

It's beginning to feel like fall already... Days are pleasant... Nights are refreshingly cool... School buses flood the streets in the early morning... and the lights are brightly lit every Friday night... This is the start of my favorite time of year... I'm a huge fan of 'fall'... I like the weather (days where shorts are appropriate, but jeans and long sleeves fit the bill some days) - I like the smells (still cut grass, but add the hint of bonfires and leaves) - I like the colors (the trees begin to whither away, but in their demise they show their true beauty)... It may have something to do with the fact that I was born in late October, as well... But whatever the reason - I like it...

I have many memories in my life that have taken place during the 'Augtober' months... What? Like you can't figure out what I'm trying to say... Anyways - I digress... I remember raking leaves in the yard with my family - weenie roasts in the back yard - hay rides at church... A little bit later was pick-up games of football and harvesting crops with my dad... In college and teaching fall always meant marching band... Almost every weekday and weekend was spent playing, marching, or teaching other people to play or march... All good memories...

Now - my fall's are a little different... I'm not sure exactly what my memories are/will be of fall for this season of my life... I don't rake very often - I don't get to harvest at the family farm anymore - and I don't plan on seeing the sideline of a football field to blow a horn or teach drill... And I may still play the occasional pick-up football game, but life is changing... I hope I never grow tired of seeing the beauty that God puts in our lives - not just in fall - but in every day...

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Sleep Is Over-rated

This new identity of mine ("Daddy") has led to a change in sleeping habits... I've never been a 'great' sleeper before - but I finally realized why parents of young children always look a little 'glazed over' in the eyes... They don't sleep a whole lot - and as of the past few days - neither do my wife and I... But that's okay... Even in the thick of diaper changings, late night feedings, and the constant wails of a 2 week old baby - I wouldn't change a thing... God has blessed us so richly - far more than we deserve...

I remember when my brother had his first son how excited he was... The experience and the change in lifestyle made him a 'new man'... It softened his heart and made him more of a grown up... I remember him saying once that he "couldn't imagine life without him now"... Those words got me thinking, "If my insensitive goon of a brother can handle this whole 'dad' thing - surely I can, too..." And you know what - he's exactly right... I can't (and wouldn't want to) imagine my life without our little boy... My priorities have sure shifted from trying to buy toys for myself and eat out whenever we wanted - but I'd take the moments I spend looking at that face more than a new guitar ANY DAY!!! But you know - I'd take both if someone's buying!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's Just a Little Spit Up

The past ten days have been some of the most emotional of our lives... We have been parents now for 10 - almost 11 days by now... We've begun to discover how we can function (not so good at times) on minimal sleep... We've also started to see how blessed we are to have a well behaved baby... (for the most part) He sleeps when he's supposed to... He eats every couple of hours... And he gets his recommended amount of 'poopy' diapers every day... Actually - he gets more than his share, or so it would seem...

Today, however, was different... He didn't eat well today... He didn't want to... He just would rather sleep... "Okay" we thought... No big deal... But later in the day - we fed him and - Oh, yeah - Up it came... We had 'projectile'... All over mommy!!! Needless to say, my wife was a little discouraged... "What's wrong with him?" - "Is it my fault?" - "What did I eat?" - "Is he going to be okay?"

But - we don't need to worry... In fact - we need to remain happy - even 'cheerful' and think about all the good stuff God is doing in our lives... "Why" you may ask..? Well - "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones. (Proberbs 15:30)

I don't know about ya'll - but I'd rather focus on the good stuff so we feel better... So - look at someone with a 'cheerful smile' and tell everyone the 'Good News' about Jesus Christ...

Don't you feel better now..?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

And the two became - three?

Over the past 2 1/2 years I am beginning to learn a great deal about life, love, and what God has for me... I won't say that I'm an expert (by any means) - but I do feel that God is enlightening me all the time... At times - the lessons are subtle, but other times "flashing lights"... God is the GREATEST teacher and uses the proper technique at the right time... Strange how he does that, huh...

Being married for a couple of years after 27 years of 'singleness' has taught me that I need to work hard to be selfless... My wife and I get along well and have a great time - but it's difficult at times to always like each other enough to comply... But I've learned that no matter what - I love her... Not because of the 'ooey gooey' factor - but because she's MY WIFE... It's my commitment and my job to love her - unconditionally... That means that whether or not she cleans the house, cooks me dinner, does laundry in high heels - we're in it for the long haul...

The book of Genesis speaks of the idea of two people becoming one person when they get married... "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh..." (Genesis 2:24) I've always thought that was an interesting concept... That there is something 'spiritual' about sexual intimacy and that type of commitment that binds two people together... Unfortunately - this world and it's ruler have perverted that bond which many of us have screwed up - but that's a different story for another time...

After - uhh... 'Witnessing' the birth over a week ago (yeah, that was educational, ha) I realized how true that passage of scripture is... My wife and came together (as one flesh) and created 'one flesh'... By combining our bodies we MADE a new body... That 'one flesh' came in the form of a beautiful baby boy...

After seeing what God allowed us to do - it dawned on me why marriage is so important to God... When you commit to being 'one flesh' - you are very well committing to being 'one, two, or even eight fleshes' (no TLC reference, I assure you)... That's not something to be taken lightly... Oops - gotta go... I hear my 'one flesh' crying...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back to School

It seems like some of the most powerful sayings come in '3 word' installments... "I love you" - "It is over" - "Jesus loves you" - "Time to eat"... All have the power of persuasion to sway our emotions... It's no wonder that this time of year the other '3 word' saying rings through the minds and ears of both young and old - parent and child - teacher and student - "Back to school"... You knew it was coming - don't be so surprised!!!

Having been on both sides (student AND teacher) I understand rushing' torrent' of emotion that comes along with this time of year... You just get used to summer and now it's over... Time for structure - getting up early - DRESS CODES!!! Well that's how teachers feel, at least...

I no longer have those same emotional moments that I once had during the middle of August - but it's still close to home... Most of my family is involved in the school system or something related to it (teachers, speech paths, coaches, school boards, grant programs)... Not to mention the 100+ students God has put under my care that are trying to score in that last late night before they begin the year... Why they think that will make tomorrow better - I have no clue...

Most people look at the middle August as the end of summer vacate... However - how much better would we all be if we looked at this time as a great opportunity to start afresh... A new day, a new year, a new life... It is time to declare that 09-10 is the 'Year of the Lord'... It's time "to proclaim the year of the LORD's favor" (Isaiah 61:2)... So wake up tomorrow with a new energy and a positive attitude... This could be the best school year ever!!! Class is in session!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dysfunction Junction

As a youth pastor you get exposed to a variety of struggles that young people deal with... Whether it be family drama, getting into college, or trying to figure out this whole 'God Thing'... It seems like most of the discussions I have, though, end up being about some 'boy' or some 'girl'... I know - SHOCKER!!! I get anything from "He broke up with me" to "She cheated on me" to "I really like him and he doesn't know I exist" to "we're fooling around, and it's so hard to stop" or "my boyfriend isn't really a Christian - is that okay?" 

Unfortunately - I'm far to experienced in the realm of 'dysfunctional' relationships... My mother would tell you that I had an addiction to 'controlling' women - not drugs, hooch, or tobacco - just domineering women... Strange, I know... But I've recently discovered that I have a student that has found himself in the same situation... He (and another fella) are being 'jerked' around by a very attractive (hence why they are being 'jerked' around), but confused young lady... She, apparently, is trying to have her cake and eat it, too... By that I mean - keep both of them in the wings as she needs, or desires...  Quite frankly - nobody deserves that kind of treatment... There can't be two 'first chairs' in any ensemble - unless, of course, they play different instruments... 

I guess I care enough to 'blog' about this topic because I've been there... Too many times... I've let women/girls dominate my thoughts, my actions, my self worth, and my choices... Praise God that He saw it fit to give me a wife that loved and supported me - even when I didn't deserve her... But I hope for my student's sake - that he, too, comes to the realization of his worth through Christ... If we could even get a glimpse of how special God thinks we are - we wouldn't let someone else's opinion ever beat us down... We'd walk tall and proud... So what are you waiting for - STRUT!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wearing a Mask

Once a month our ministry has a special worship service called STAND... It normally takes place the first Tuesday night of the month... Due to scheduling conflicts - we went with the second Tuesday this month... We always try to make it more 'experiential' than our normal Sunday morning services... That's not to say that we don't put a great deal of effort into our Sunday presentation - but we like to do different things for this particular service...

Tonight was all about wearing masks... How we all try to conceal our true selves by putting on a 'facade'... We cover up every blemish, scar, and imperfection... We don't want anyone to actually know what we look like - right..? But I'm sure that's not why women wear make up, though... Just kidding, ladies... But seldom do we like to show anybody this canvas at its 'rawest' form... We're too embarrassed...

However - God tells us that we are just fine... In fact - we're better than just fine... We can be made 'perfect' in His sight... When we accept Jesus Christ as our lord and savior - We are washed by His blood - and all the imperfections we've accumulated by sinning are wiped away... We've been perfected by what HE DID...

Often times it seems like masks are made to look more glamorous and exotic... We wear them for parties or "masquerade balls" so we can become 'someone else' for an evening... But there's no need to cover up who you are... You have an excellent designer that is causing you to look more and more like Himself... Would you want to cover up what your maker looks like..?

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Still Waiting

Have you ever noticed how challenging it can be when anyone uses the words, "any time now"..? Those three words can make you an impatient, whining, baby... Before those 4 syllables were uttered you were content - you were being very patient - but now that someone informs you that whatever you are waiting on could be there at any moment - you become a little antsy... I'm beginning to see that with this whole 'baby' thing... He's been in there growing for the past 9 months... I wasn't in any hurry... We had a projected delivery date - and that was that... No worries - no wondering... We had a date...

However - our doctor told us a few weeks ago that my wife was doing quite well and that the baby could arrive - wait for it... "Any time now"... Yep - he said that... So here we are - three weeks before that date we were waiting on - and we start thinking, "Is it today - is tonight the night"... We began to get really excited and anticipate is coming arrival... But you know what - we're still waiting!!! Maybe even getting a little anxious and frustrated, too... We were doing fine waiting for our date... Why did he have to say that..?

Unfortunately, though - God's people spend a great deal of time waiting... Sometimes entire lifetimes - Abraham and the promise for a son... Joseph had to wait for his appointment over 16 years... David was hunted and chased for 10 years after he was annointed king of Israel... God doesn't always bring about His blessings swiftly... Sometimes - He wants us to wait...

This past weekend in our worship services - we sang a song with the phrase, "While I'm waiting - I will serve You, While I'm waiting - I will worship"... I thought that was pretty profound... Inevitably - God is going to make us wait at some point in time... Probably several points in time to be honest... What do we do during those times..? Do we complain and moan - or do we act like the song said and, "serve and worship Him"..? Let's go for option '2', ya'll... So while you're waiting for His wisdom, His timing, His intervention - see who you can serve and discover new ways of worshiping Him in a fresh, and intimate way... There's no better way to pass that time!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Anytime our students take a trip I make it a point to bring along our video camera with me... Our ministry team includes a Video Producer that creates videos to show during our main worship services each weekend... Sometimes - he likes to showcase what's happening in the 'other part of the building'... Which is fantastic - our church has been blessed in so many ways - so it's nice for our people to see what God is doing in young children, junior highers, and High school students... And he does a great job, by the way...

I also like to 'attempt' to make videos (and a feeble attempt, at that)... I'm not great at it, by any means, but I really do enjoy it... But unlike our professional Video Producer - I have a difficult time 'compacting' hours worth of footage into a tightly wrapped, high quality, 2-minute production... How do I leave things out..? Did I get any shots of that kid..? Where am I in these shots.?! IS THE LENSE CAP ON?!! Just kidding... But how does one do that..? How do you choose what makes the vid and what doesn't..? These are great questions... Which is why my videos normally are 7 minutes at their SHORTEST!!! I know - I'm laughing myself... Seldom - when telling a story - do we want to omit any pertinent information... We want to share everything... But there's not always time, is there..?

Good thing with our Heavenly Father - there's all the time in the world... Actually - with Him - there's NO TIME... He's outside of time... "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." (2 Peter 3:8)... God's not on any schedule... He doesn't need to be at Cracker Barrel by 12:15... He can check out the whole story again, and again... He's just like a proud parent that can't get enough of your family home movies...

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (Psalm 139:16)

Could you imagine what your 2 minute clip would look like..? Don't worry - you don't have to...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dirty Laundry

I have blogged recently concerning my mission trip I took with my students to the Boston-ish area... Due to some changes in sponsors - we had to come up with an alternate mode of transportation for our luggage... Why you may ask... Well - it's very challenging for 32 people to go through lines, check luggage, get through security, find your gate, get on the plane, find your luggage at the next destination, and move on... So in the past we have been blessed enough to have a sponsor that was willing to drive our luggage out to the east coast in a van with a box trailer attached to it... Not a glamorous job, but a job much appreciated by us... That didn't work out this year - so one of our other sponsors had the great idea of 'shipping' our luggage - freight style... So that's what we did... We put it on skids - put plywood all around it - and shipped it... It was at the school waiting for us when we got there... It was fantastic!!! We didn't have to mess with it at the airport... We didn't have to shove it in to our rental vans... What a God-send...

The trip home, however, is a different story... As we finished up our week of building roofs, painting, and repairing bulkheads - we loaded up our shipping crates full of dirty clothes, smelly socks, and wet towels... They were sealed tight and ready to ship out the following Monday... We were expecting them to arrive by that Wednesday... But guess what - That didn't happen... We kept waiting - and waiting - and waiting... No word... Finally we hear on Friday where our luggage has turned up - Salt Lake City... Yep - That's right - Utah!!! How did that happen.?! I don't know... I guess our luggage wasn't through traveling, yet... It went East - it needed to go West before coming home...

The good news is - it's back home... A week and a half late, but home... Now - I mentioned earlier about what was in the crates, right..? After a week - boxed up - in a hot truck - what do you think those bags smelled like..? Yeah - exactly... They had been pinned up for so long with all of those unwashed, disgusting clothes inside, that it was pretty obvious that some of these items would get 'tossed'... Goodbye shoes!

Isn't it a good thing that God doesn't do that to us, though... He looks at those of us that keep the 'dirty laundry' all sealed up inside of us for way too long - and He says, "you are beautiful"... He doesn't discard us because we took an extra long time to make our way back to Him - He welcomes us with open arms and He has all sorts of tools to clean us up - no matter how bad we look (or smell)... I'm always amazed by the 'Lost Son' parable that Jesus told... That son of his that turned from him, took his inheritance, puked it away with lavish living, was so far gone that pigs were living better than he was... He finally went back to his father after a long detour and his father ran to him and hugged him... He didn't turn him away and say, "take a bath first"... He hugged him... God doesn't look at us as dirty laundry... He sees us as priceless possessions that He treasures more than anything in the world...

Can Tide or ALL get the stain out? Maybe... Can Jesus get rid of our stains? Fo' Sho'!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Just One Good Shot

As many of you have probably figured out by now - I quite enjoy a round of golf... Actually - if weather and time permit - it's one of my favorite things to do on my Monday's off... Today was no exception... My best buddy and I found our way out to our usual site for landscape destruction - and put in 18 holes... It felt more like a roller coaster than a gentlemen's game, though... It was full of pleasant 'ups' and terrifying 'downs'... Actually - they were more like 'drops'... One hole we would be enjoying the sweet aroma of 'par-fume' - and the next - the frigid chill of the dreaded 'snowman'... It was quite a ride, to say the least... We definitely got our money's worth today...

During our 3 hours burning rubber on the cart path I realized something... I became aware of how easily 'swayed' my emotions were... How could I possibly feel so discouraged one shot, but feel like I just won the Master's the next..? One minute I wanted to shout from the rooftops how much I love this game and the next put my head in the mucky pond... It's crazy right..? That's not what a stable, self-controlled, young man should be like... I often times watch people like Tiger and think, "man - if I were that good - I wouldn't be such a baby on the course..." But you know what - I get it!!! If I feel the way I feel after missing a 5 foot gimmie - how do you think he feels when he blows it... It doesn't make it pretty (on either of our parts) but it is understandable, at least...

Unfortunately - we can show this inconsistent sway in our lives, as well... Things don't go our way and we whine, pout, or complain... We show our true colors... A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly. (Proverbs 14:29)

Now - I know that God's Word is for every part of our lives - But does that actually include the golf course, as well..? I thought so... Oh, well...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Into The Unknown

It seems there has been a great deal of appeal in television shows that keep their viewers guessing... Shows that can even be - at times - down right confusing... I think of the show LOST when I ponder this type... The passengers on Oceanic Flight 'whatever' always seem to have new twists on the island... Not to mention the random jumps in time backwards and - even more confusing - future... I didn't start off watching the show from the beginning... My wife and I tried to catch on during the 3rd season - but soon realized we were too far 'lost'... I know - I'm hilarious! Tonight I saw a show that struck the same note with me... It wasn't about passengers on a plane that went down in the Pacific, but about astronauts going into space... None of which are sure why they were selected to go on this particular 'mission', but they are all excited to be there... Much like LOST - they have flashbacks and 'flash forwards' that leave the viewer both confused and intrigued... What's going to happen next..? Well - I guess I'll have to tune in next week, huh...

The same is true with our spiritual walk with Christ, too... We know some important information... We know that Jesus is the son of God - that He died for us - rose again - and sits at the right hand of the Father... We know that only His blood washes away our sins and because of Him we can spend eternity in Heaven... But there's a number of factors we don't know... We don't necessarily know what our 'plan' is... We don't exactly know what God has in store for us... We don't know where we'll end up or how He is going to use us in His ministry... But we do know that He has great plans for each one of us... "Plans to prosper and not to harm us - give us hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11)... That's encouraging to know even if the future is unknown...

That's enough to keep me tuned in for another week... How about you..?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where'd It Go?

It's amazing to me that the older I get - the faster time seems to go by... I know that sounds cliche, but it's true... For example - What happened to July..? Where'd it go..? I don't know, actually... I think I remember some events transpiring during the 7th month of our calendar year... My mom used to tell me to keep a journal during July because it will sneak away on you... You know what - she was right...

I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that I had our vacation, a week of vbs, a mission trip, or planning for our baby to arrive or not - but it went by FAST!!! I didn't keep a journal, though... I hardly have had time to blog... Bummer... But I have memories from July, though - however fast it went... I grew more in love with my wife... I improved relationships with friends and made new ones... I got to spend a week with my family... I ate my favorite ribs on the planet, a juicy filet mignon topped with bernaise and lump crab meat (stop salivating), and (recently) got my 'lobster roll'... Delicious cuisine aside - I also got to travel and serve my God... That was extremely rewarding...

I think one of the coolest things, though - is that I was one month closer to seeing my son for the first time... I've heard his heart beat - I've seen the ultra sounds - I've even seen his nose in 4D... But I can't wait to meet him - face to face... I can't wait for him to come home... Maybe that's why I let July go by so fast...

It's neat how God takes our emotions and our feelings and lets them display how He feels about us... I'm so excited about seeing my son that I had a small part in creating, but God is even more stoked than I am... He created me - and He created you...

Psalm 139:13-15 - "13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place."

I thought I was excited... But that's one excited 'Daddy'...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Here I Go Again

Obviously - you will be hard pressed to find a better decade of music than the 80's... Granted - fashion was not at its 'highest' point during those 10 years (okay - spilling into the 90's, as well - TIGHT ROLLERS!!!) but it was a time of rockin' music... Artists like Def Leopard and Bon Jovi were bringing powerful anthems left and right in complete stereo... And who didn't want to have "Nothin' But A Good Time" with Brett Michaels..? One of the more 'catchier' songs of that era was by a group named 'Whitesnake' titled "Here I Go Again"... The chorus takes the title, but adds, "on my own - Duhn Duhn - Going down the only road I've ever known - Duhn Duhn - Like a drifter I was born to walk alone - Duhn Duhn Duhn... Can any of you finish the line..?

Anyways - I too am off and going, again... I'm not going alone, though... I'm heading out with 31 other students and adults to the East Coast... We are off to do some mission work in the greater Boston area... We will be working on houses and serving people who can't help themselves... There will be elderly, disabled, or low income families... It's always a blessing to know that we can help out those in need... But you know what the best part is, though - Pleasing Jesus with our service... Paul said in Acts 20:35, "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' "

It is true... The reward is far greater to give to someone in need than it is to receive EVEN MORE... You know it's true... If it's not - Ask yourself this question, "Why isn't it?"

And - yet again - I find myself gone for another week away from any computer... But I leave you Bloggerites with this thought... Here I go again on my own? No way - I'm never alone - God is always with me...

"Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." (Psalm 139:7-10)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kid's Stuff

One of the most challenging parts about getting older is the amount of fun that you 'refuse' to have... "I can't do that - that's Kid's Stuff"... You know what I'm talking about, don't you... I won't stand up - I won't clap - I'm not going to do the 'Cha Cha Slide' or the 'Chicken Dance'... You won't join in on the friendly duel of DDR or Wii tennis... For some reason - you've have outgrown being 'fun'... When does that ever happen?!!

Unfortunately - we see this same phenomenon in the church... We have been in the trenches of, yet another, VBS... That's right - Vacation Bible School... Our children's pastor and volunteers have made such HUGE efforts to make this an enjoyable, educational, and powerful experience for these young people - And their efforts are to be commended... But all the while the band is jamming - and the singers are rocking out - and the kids are busting a move - I see something that bums me out... Some of the adults REFUSE to join in the fun!!! Now - don't get me wrong - I'm glad they're present in the first place... Obviously, they are investing in the lives of these children... But what's keeping them from joining in with the fun..? Whoever came up with the lie that worshiping God should be boring..? Oh, wait... I can probably figure out who 'fathered' that lie...

Psalm 30:11 says, "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy..." Which would you rather do - wail or dance..? Well - if dancing before God and shouting for joy and singing songs is 'Kid's Stuff' - Then I don't ever want to grow up!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stroke of Midnight

There was a time in my life when I could stay up late - get up at a reasonable hour - and still manage to function with normal 'human' abilities... I remember trips to Denny's or Steak n' Shake after a concert - Going to 'midnight showings' with the other geeks to watch 3 hour movies - and (most recently) trips to IHOP at 2:00 in the morning after church camp... I fear, however, that those days need to become fewer and far between...

I sit here thinking about how tired I am becoming just typing these few simple words at 10:30 pm... I'm starting to linger and contemplate how nice it would be to slide into those cool sheets -gently lay my head on that soft pillow - and snuggle up next to my 'non-snoring' wife... And it dawns on me - I have several students who are waiting to go to a midnight showing... That's an hour and a half from now - to then go and watch a 2 1/2 hour movie... Are they crazy?!!

At midnight - I may not turn into a pumpkin - but I sure might turn into a grouchy oger, or something... I like sleep... In fact - I need it... We all do... God designed us all to sleep - to rest - to refresh our bodies... Even when we have stress in our lives - God wants for you and I to rest well... Proverbs 3:24 says, "when you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. " I think tonight instead of a midnight showing - I'm going for a "midnight snoring"... Sweet dreams!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Consistently Inconsistent

I have recently discovered that the life of a 'blogger' can go through seasons... Those seasons can be a Spring of creativity and blogging daily- The Fall of equipment failure(i.e. no internet, or computer malfunctions) - a bitter Winter spent snuggled up next to your mac or pc hoping for warmth and communication from somewhere - or maybe even a Summer drought where most of your blogging time is spent tapping your fingers and hitting the 'backspace' key...

I am currently going through a season where I can't find time to consistently blog... I've been on the go since the end of May and haven't stopped since... A week here - a week there... And I'll be honest - I miss it... I truly enjoy this idea of putting down random thoughts... I don't even know if anyone truly reads this jargon on a regular basis or not... But it's great for me... Like many folks today - I'm not the greatest at getting out what's 'on my mind'... I find that I keep things in order to: 1) Keep the peace 2) Avoid looking stupid... But here - in this billowing 'Blog World' - I can let my mind unload a little... It's very 'freeing'...

As American's - we talk a great deal about being 'free'... "The Land of the free and the home of the brave," right..? While it appears that we have our physical 'freedom' - at times we are still in captivity in our own minds... Our spirit still feels chained up and weighed down - like there's no hope for us... Our sin and our guilt have us 'shackled' to our past... But you know what - you can be 'free'... You most certainly can... Jesus said in John 8:36, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

It doesn't matter what season of life you are going through right now - God has the means and the desire to pull you out of any pit and draw you to His side - to the place where true freedom is...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Is It Worth It?

I'm not sure if any of you have ever noticed how difficult it is to go out of town... Whether it's for business or pleasure - it's very challenging to get your (already dysfunctional) life in order enough so you can escape your normal 'day to day' life for a short escape... I've felt this in different environments... I've experienced it in the school system where I would be going to a conference or have to use one of my 'sick days' and prepare for a sub... That was always FAR MORE work than my normal work day... You have to plan ahead and actually - PREPARE!!! Who does that..?

Today - I'm doing that, as well... But this time - it's for 'pleasure'... My wife and I are going to be traveling to meet my side of the family for a week of vacationing and 'fun in the sun'... I believe that it's of the utmost importance that all of us 'get away' every now and then - so for you "work-a-holics" - GET OFF YOUR COMPUTER AND LIVE A LITTLE!!!

However - as in teaching - I am having to think and plan WAY ahead... And I'll be honest - I'm not very good at that... Oh, don't get me wrong - I'm improving by leaps and bounds... But still not great... It's so difficult for me to 'walk away' from the things that are normally under my control and trust others with that responsibility... Even though I know I won't be able to control the situation - I know it will be great - God's still on His Throne...

"The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all." (Psalm 103:19)

So - is it worth the strenuous planning to get away and (at times) find rest for our 'weary souls' (and bodies) - Of course it is... Sometimes - God wants us to let go of the things that are standard or normal - dare I say, "mundane" - in our lives so He can refresh us and give us a new perspective on what He has for us... Worth it - YOU BET!!! Now - does anybody have any spf 30?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Change is Good

I'm always amazed how good it feels to change things around a bit... I'm not sure why - but I enjoy change... Today, for example, I got to exchange and rearrange some furniture in my office... It was fun... It made it feel like a completely different room... A piece of furniture here - some wall art there... Voila! A totally new space...

When it comes to change - I know I'm blessed... I don't mind it as much as some people do... Some people HATE change... They avoid it as much as possible... Now - I will admit that some change is bad... It can even hurt at times... But - know this - God is a God of 'change'... He wants to change our hearts - our lives - and our eternity... He wants to change us from the sinful creatures we are into the children He's always longed for us to be... That change comes when we accept Christ and let Jesus take over... Now - that's way cooler than moving my desk!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Raining Babies

Today my wife had her baby 'shower'... Her mom, sister, and best friend put together this celebratory shin-dig to 'shower' her with gifts for our near (nearer all the time) addition... It was a nice mix of ladies... There were family members, close friends, ladies from church, and even a few rugrats... The ladies were single, divorced, married, mothers, and grandmothers - all from different walks of life... On this day, though, they all had one common goal - to 'shower' my wife with blessings... They wanted to show their love and support to my wife and I by providing gifts that would benefit both us and our 'soon to be' son, Bam Bam... It always warms my insides to see people be selfless and show genuine concern for others, let alone bombard them with diapers, soaps, and blankets... It was amazing...

But you know what's even more amazing - is that no matter how much we are 'showered' with gifts by others - nothing compares to the 'showers of blessings' from our Heavenly Father...

"I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing." (Ezekiel 34:26)

As God's children - we have 'baby showers' available to us each and every day... God wants to pour out His blessings on all of us - all we have to do is move our umbrella out of the way... "I'm singing in the rain..."

Friday, June 26, 2009

Concert for One

We had a very exciting event for our church tonight... We were involved in a 'Summer Concert' series at our city park... The organizer for the event contacted our worship pastor and worked it out for our praise band to come and do a concert for the community... He wanted the concert to begin promptly at 6 pm - but there was a problem... We have Friday night services that start at 6 pm and get over around 7:15 pm... Whatever to do..? Solution - me and some of my student praise band members did a 'pre-concert' concert... It was a blast!!! It was extremely hot - and the monitors didn't work so we couldn't hear a thing - and there were only like 13 people there when we started - but it was a BLAST!!! I told my band, though - that they may feel kind of funny playing for only a small number of people - but that wasn't our purpose... We were there to play for one person - Jesus Christ...

"How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God ?" (John 5:44)

If He's pleased with our performance - what more could we possibly want... Rock on!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Gone Again

I regret to inform you, my blog-buddies, that I will - yet again - be gone and unable to blog for a week... I know - some of you will truly miss my daily ramble on some obscure topic... I too will miss rambling... I've come to look forward to it every day, actually... But I assure you I will be back soon - full of clever stories and anecdotes from a week spent with my wife and 33 of our students and 5 volunteer sponsors...

We trudge over to Indiana tomorrow for a week of a 'church camp thing-a-ma-jig'... We leave on a Monday and return on Saturday afternoon... It is always an amazing week as we spend the vast majority of our time focusing on Christ... Whether it be between devos, services, quiet time, or playing ultimate Frisbee - I am always amazed at how God can truly work in a span of 5 days... Well - I shouldn't be amazed, I guess - God is pretty amazing... Nah - HE'S TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

"For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome" (Deuteronomy 10:17)

I plan on having plenty of 'blog-able' material when I return... Send us your prayers if you have some extra 'God chatting' time... We could sure use it... Until then, my friends...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Good News From Afar

Nothing brightens up your day like a dose of good news... You know - when you hear something that just brings an uncontrollable smirk to your face... It seems to be so joyful when you hear a report that people you care about are doing well and exciting things are happening... For example - you find out that your best friend is getting married... Or you get a call from your brother saying 'round 2 is on the way'... You can't help but become intoxicated with the adrenalin of the moment...

Today, for example - I found out that my family is embarking on a new endeavor... They have taken the plunge and are 'cannon-balling' in to the world of commercial business... Now mind you - They've been talking about this for years - so much that I've always began to roll my eyes and think such things as, "yeah right" or "when pigs fly"... But it appears it's going to happen... Now -0ne might think that one's family would inform them of such a venture, but in my case - I found out in my mother's blog... I know - I'm blogging about something in a blog! Watch out!!!

"Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land." (Proverbs 25:25)

I found that a bit strange - but if you know my family - "strange" isn't very foreign... But you know what - it doesn't matter... I'm still very excited for them... You know why - because they are going to do great... They have the giftings, the education, the experience, and the determination to make it into a great success... Whether they chose to inform me of their good news, or not doesn't change the fact that it remains 'good news'...

But you know what the BEST 'Good News' is..? The GOSPEL (good news) of Jesus Christ... The fact that we can all be saved from our sins and an eternity separated from God... Jesus dying on the cross took care of that for us... All we have to do is accept and follow Him...

"While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

If you ever find yourself at a time when 'good news' is in short supply - Remember that - and that smirk will turn into a soar face... (From smiling, of course)

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Last Crusade

One of my favorite movies has got to be "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade"... No - it is not an Arthurian Tale of Knighthood to recapture the Holy Land - But it does still manage to capture the imagination in true 'Ford fashion'...

The movie's main plot is the quest to find the 'Holy Grail' - the cup used by Christ during the Last Supper... They go on to say in the movie that the cup also caught His blood and was given to Joseph of Arimathia (Not really very accurate, huh..?) All of this leads to a suspenseful chase to find the 'grail'... We have Indiana, his dad (Good ol' 007), Marcus Brody, and our fun 'eastern' friend whose name currently escapes me (hmm...) - Going against wealthy Walter Donovan and the Nazi's... Of course there's a weak love story (okay - 'lust story') in the middle, too - but nobody wants to hear about that...

In the end, though - Indy must overcome impossible odds and stretch his faith to find the 'Holy Grail' and save the day... Isn't it amazing - that even in a hollywood blockbuster - that they know how important faith is... The Bible talks about faith in great deal and the importance of it...

"Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards." (Hebrews 11:6)

Now - I ask you - If Indiana Jones can step out on faith - what's stopping you..? What's stopping me..?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cleaning the Clubs

I figured after a spring season of playing golf in the mud - that it was time to scrub the ol' clubs up... I shimmied through the garage to the spot on the wall where my clubs are displayed and gingerly carried them into the kitchen to receive their spa treatment... I began to chip away at the layers and layers of mud that have cemented its way onto each face after several 'duffed' shots on the fairways... Okay - 'The Rough'!!! Are you satisfied.?! I confess - I don't even know what the fairways look like... Gee Whiz!!! A little judgemental, aren't we..?

Anyways - like I was saying - I was scrubbing up my golf clubs: My SUMO driver, my Tour Select irons (That's right - Tour Select... These are the greatest clubs you've never heard of!!!), and my new putter... And I'll tell you what - they looked brand ne... Well - they looked like they were right out of the bo... Okay - they weren't perfect, but they sure looked better... It's amazing how - what seemed to be cruddy and worn out clubs - now all of a sudden look like they can still do me some good... That once they were dipped in the water - they were still valuable...

Unlike my numbered devices of torture (if you play golf you know what I mean) - when Jesus cleans us up - we're better than brand new... We were never even put in the box... He takes the crud caked on us called sin and washes it off with His blood to make us clean - As white as snow...

"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." (Hebrews 10:22)

After that wash-job, I'm ready for any course... Tee it up, baby!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Planning Your Battles

It's often been said that we should always "pick our battles"... It's best not to fight every battle - especially when there doesn't seem to be a peaceful resolution to follow, or ANY resolution at all for that matter... But isn't it strange, though, that at times we feel this natural yearning in every fiber of our being to "pick a fight" and attempt to resolve things our own way - 'Mano y Mano'... (I know - I know - I'm busting out the multi-lingual stuff...) Well - figuratively speaking, of course... I don't condone violence and believe (most of the time) there are better ways of handling sticky situations... But we feel that if we would just 'speak our peace', or 'tell em' off' that we'd feel so much better... If any of you have ever tried that before - you are already aware of what my next sentence will be... IT DOESN'T WORK!!! Seldom does the idea of "speaking your mind" and giving them "what fer" ever resolve things totally, or peacefully... It just doesn't... It's normally a complete reactionary response in an attempt to make ourselves feel better immediately... And people - the success rate is slim... And I mean slim...

It's not our place all the time to make people understand, or to even rectify every situation... In our battles - it's not us we should be depending on to make things right or to 'settle the score'...

"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD." (Proverbs 21:31)

I know it's dfficult to fathom that God will ACTUALLY deal with our stuff in His own time - but I assure you He will... And don't just take my word for it - I'm just relaying what He said... God, at times, will use your physical stature to defend and protect you and your loved ones from attack or snares... But in the end - The Big Picture - The real battle has nothing to do with what you see on the surface... "we don't fight against flesh, but against evil spirits (principalities)"... So - if you're in the thick of that 'rumble' - Do you want to go 'mano y mano' or do you want God to step in the ring..? That's what I thought...

"Through you we push back our enemies; through your name we trample our foes. I do not trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame." (Psalm 44:5-7)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Unforseen Blesings

I didn't realize how much I was going to miss composing my daily blog when I was at a church camp outside of Manford, Oklahoma all last week... I did have internet access, but finding the right time to sit down and collect my thoughts was few and far between... So - 'the drought is over' - for this week, at least...

I had a very exciting week at this camp... We hung out with kids, played frisbee and hacky sack (I know - all of the 'hippies' out there got excited for a moment), wrote songs, went to IHOP way too often (and late), and laughed a lot!!! Each evening during our worship services - I got to play guitar for the band AND gave the evening message... Our theme for the week was "Extreme Makeover"... I had prepared messages that would line up with that thematic idea... Laying down foundation, building up walls, and changing from the inside were some of the topics covered...

During the mornings I spent a great deal of time alone writing messages, praying, and focusing on the task that God had for me... I kept praying that the lives of these students would be greatly changed by what God was doing through me - which I believe did happen... I know God loves them just as much as He loves me and He definitely longed for them to know Him more...

But you know what..? Do you know who was really changed by the week..? ME... I'm the one that felt the presence of the Lord... I'm the one that left refreshed (exhausted from lack of sleep), but refreshed... My soul felt recharged... Sometimes - the things we think we're doing for God are actually the 'things' He's doing for us... I think this acts as a great reminder to us - that God uses our service to Him to not only benefit others, but build us up, as well... Man - He sure knows what He's doing...

"Therefore I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God." (Romans 5:17)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wordless Wednesday?

I'm not sure what to think about the practice of Wordless Wednesday... I've seen my sister adhere to this 'Blogger Montra', but I'm not sold on it... For one - I have been unable to 'blog' since last Friday - Ugh!!! (I was doing so well, too...) Besides - I like to chat... It's what I do, people...

Anyways - I don't have long to rant with regal ramblings - but I leave you with this closing idea for Wordless Wednesdays... I don't remember Jesus saying, "Go into all the world teaching them what I've taught you and make them my disciples... But you can't teach on Wednesdays..." Haha - Just kidding... Have a great Wordless Wednesday Blogger World...

"For I alone know the plans I have for you... Plans to prosper and not to harm you; to give you hope and a future - GOD (Jeremiah 29:11)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hope In The King

I must admit that I am not a huge fan of the NBA... Say what you will of me, but I haven't been very interested since MJ hung it up... And I don't mean when he came back as a Wizard, or whatever he was trying to do... But I mean "back in the day"... Pippen, Paxon, Grant, Rodman... Okay - maybe not Rodman... But basketball was so much fun then... We all believed that the Bulls might actually win every game because they had ol' number "23"... No matter what the scoreboard said - we had hope that he could do it...

It seems like nowadays, though - that there is another "23" for the Cavs who is bringing a similar 'glint' in the eyes of fans everywhere... Whether you follow the NBA or not - watching the highlights of this "King" during Sports Center is astounding... They could do their own segment just on the 'sweet action' plays he makes every night... It doesn't matter if the Cavs are up or down - if he has the ball they believe they can still win... They still have hope...

However - there's not eternal hope in this "king"... Occasionally - he will let you down... He won't make every shot... He will, at times, lose the big game... But there's another "King" that will never fail... He will never let you down... In fact - He is the "King of Kings"... His jersey has all numbers - the "Alpha and Omega"... If you're looking for someone to hang your hopes on - you can "bank" on this guy... His name isn't 'King James' - It's "King Jesus" - and He is - by far - your 'best shot'...

"No one whose hope is in you will ever be put to shame..." (Psalm 25:3)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Better To Have Loved

Relationships seemed to have been the hot topic for the day... And not just relationships, in general - but some of the hardships that can come with 'relationships' with each other... A couple of my boys were having some - uhh... Issues with their significant others... However, I always think that happens this time of year... It's the time of year when 'change' sounds good to some people...

One of my boys has been involved with a girl on and off for the past nine months... She has treated him pretty rough - but like many people - he allowed it to happen and kept coming back for more... I wish I could say that I didn't know what that wasy like, but - unfortunately - I do...

The other young man had a different story, though... He has been with his girlfriend for the past 4 years... They've had their rough spots from time to time - but stuck with it... And due to some unintentional texting - that relationship is on the 'rocks' - and I don't mean on ice...

Anyways - throughout all of the counseling and encouragement - somebody busted out the ever so popular advice, "If it's meant to be - it will be..." And you know what..? That's true, to a point... God has a plan for your life... You can set yourself back, but you can't mess up God's ultimate plan for your life... No matter how hard you try - He's always got you in His 'sights'... So take heart, "love birds"... God's got it all under control...

"There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD." (Proverbs 21:30)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Life in 4-D

Today was a cool day... For starters - it was "the day the LORD has made" - SO - "let us rejoice and be glad in it." (Psalm 118:24) It was also my wife's birthday... I would be in trouble if I told you how old she is now - but I can tell you that my wife does really enjoy her birthday... If it were up to her it would be a National Holiday, where all humanity would celebrate her birth with brightly wrapped presents and plenty of birthday cake... However - It is celebrated only by her family and friends... Oh, well...

But I think my wife had one of the coolest birthday presents ever, though... We had her birthday party at the doctor's office to see our unborn son in '4-D'!!! Now hold on, people... I said, "4-D"... I would explain to you exactly what that means, but I honestly don't know... What I do know - is that we saw our son and it was COOL... We saw his nose - his lips - his ears - his little hands and fingers - his feet... We even saw his little heart beating... AMAZING!!! To think - I got to see my son while he was still in the womb... What a privilege... I'm not the only one that gets to do that, though... Somebody else saw him - saw me - and saw you before we were ever born...

"For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother's womb. " (Psalm 139:13)

God formed each one of us... He knows every physical trait we have - down to the number of hairs on our heads (which for me is a lot!) I think that makes each and every one of us pretty special... So - in case nobody's told you today - you're special!!!

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." (Psalm 139:14)

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Do Run, Run, Run

My wife and I had the privilege of going to a Memorial Day 'Cookout' / Bible study at our small group tonight... It was a 'joyous' occassion to say the least... We ate too much food... We laughed until we cried (we have 2 pregnant women that keep us in stitches...) We then made our way into the living room to crack open our Bibles...

Our small group leader prepared an insightful lesson where we looked at several scripture passages - but we eventually landed in the book full of aroma, boldness, and rich taste - He-brews... (you get it - "He Brews"..? It's all coffee metaphors... Anyways) As we began to 'drink in' chapter 12 - we began to find ourselves 'stirring' around a particular passage...

" Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.." (Hebrews 12:1-3)

We got to thinking about these words and started to (in our own words) give our interpretation of what these passages 'said' to us... We were trying to figure out how - if this really was a foot race, how would Jesus fit in... What would His role be... After several different ideas and 'word pictures' from the group - I started to develop my own visual imagery (my imagination SOARS at times...) I started by going back to my junior year of high school where I was forced to run cross country by my basketball coach... I began to remember how difficult running those 3.whatever miles was... I started to apply those memories to my life and my commitment to being a Christian - and it started to become clear to me what Jesus' role is... "Fix our eyes on Jesus." He is the runner in front setting the pace of the race (The "rabbit" as one of the guys in our group said) and showing us where to go... The Holy Spirit, then, is the one that encourages me along the way... He is passing out Gatorade to me as I get thirsty and is throwing water on my face when I'm burning up... He's also there to say, "you can do it just keep going... I'm right here with you..." And then God (The Father) is waiting for me at the finish line with the most proud grin on His face, just waiting to tell me, "Well done, good and faithful servant... I knew you could do it... I'm so proud of you..."

Only one question now - anybody feel like going for a run..?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pomp & Circumstance

Picture this: Your rear end hurts... You are surrounded on all sides by people that are well beyond the boundaries of 'personal space'... It's hot, stuffy, and you begin to wonder if you are sticking to the bleachers... You see the flash of cameras and that lady down the row waving at someone across the way (that obviously is being seen by everyone BUT the person who's attention she was trying to acquire...)

Then - All of a sudden - You hear it... The Fanfare - The horns - The cymals - It's time for... Drum roll, please... Pomp & Circumstance!!! Ah, yes - good ol' P & C... When I was teaching music it was required that the band play for graduation and this was our big hit... We'd play it over and over and over... Actually - my students and I began to loathe this popular tune... We would call it "Pump & Circumcision" or something like that... Believe me - after 9 hours straight (okay - an exaggeration) you'd come up with clever titles, too... But this was always a sign to those in attendance to stand up and welcome in the graduates...

Now - I realize that most students don't necessarily 'enjoy' the whole graduation experience... They want to complain, or wear something stupid... They might even think it's not important enough to merit their attendance... But you know what - It's not very often that people will rise to their feet at your entrance into a room... Unlike J.D. on the show 'Scrubs' - most of us don't have background music in our daily lives - let alone a standing 'O' for just walking in...

Did you know, though - that God feels that way about you everyday... It's true... He is that proud parent sitting out in the bleachers with the HUGEST smile - taking all the pictures - remembering all the ups and downs along the way... He's blowing the air-horn and shouting for you and over you... He loves you, you know...

"He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17)